Tywin was just as abusive to who Cersei is in spite of her body, as he is towards who Tyrion is, in his.
Tywin was just as abusive to who Cersei is in spite of her body, as he is towards who Tyrion is, in his.
Don't count out Daene yet. She's learning. And unlike the other pretenders to the Iron Throne, she's wise enough to realize she needs to learn, which is why she decided to try governing Meereen.
I especially like thinking of Brianne compared to the Sand Snakes or the ladies of Bear Island. The same martial spirit and skill, but warped by the lens of their immediate culture.
Adam –
I require separate internet identities in order to keep my job and find a new one.
See my other post.
The thing I like best about Songs of Ice & Fire is that different readers can interpret things differently.
Forgive my strange ways and manner, kind sir.
Florida: we won't let you buy beer, but we WILL murder you if you buy a bag of Skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea for your little brother.
Meredith, I hate to be that guy, but it's Jaqen H'Ghar, not Jaqen H. Ghar.
The point of Meereen is that GRMM is showing how hard it is to sit on, versus winning, a throne.
Catelyn meant well, but she largely destroyed the Starks – indeed the North – by her actions:
It's hard to take a Triad gangster seriously when he was worse stretch marks than OctoMom.
Brilliant, simply brilliant.
Damn. There I went blowing all my spare cash on upgrading my brower in anticipation of:
"...At the end of Open Water we don't find out that the sharks were secretly raping the husband years ago."
Imagining all those console kiddies who never realized they used to publish games that didn't involve hacking/slashing/shooting as the be-all of the entire game, scratching their heads and muttering to themselves, "Games? With a story? WithOUT killing hoards of zombies? WTF?! Burn the witch for suggesting anything…
I'd imagine the single-sex boarding schools would be exponentially worse than mixed ones, simply because the pure distilled sociopathy that is adolescence is mitigated (a bit, just a bit!) by the leavening effect of mixing boys and girls.
I can't WAIT until Peter Dinklage & Lena Headey film the scene when Tyrion & Cercei meet for the first time after adjuring the King's Council. It is SO delicious in A Clash of Kings.
I'm unsure I would want Some Guy Off The Street to be able to saunter into a room of a company, give his personal opinion on what another business or individual is doing, then expect that company to deprive their goods/services from the business/individual with the full weight of the law if they don't. Especially when…