
@Feyhra: ...Only if you think stealing the breath from sleeping infants until their faces turn blue isn't useful.

Cats don't really need large brains. Not when they can just glare until their humans feed them.

"To build weapons"?!

If you can't stop the bomb timer at "007", don't even bother trying.

If I buy used, GameStop sucks up their exorbitant markup, the creators get screwed and I save only a pittance.

So... "And God Said, Let There Be Light" should have read, "...Let There Be Liquid"?

@Ninja Nemo: Actually, you skipped the largest part of the 0.05% demographic: inherited wealth. What we called hereditary aristocracy, in those bygone Founding Fathers days when that was something our republic was founded to remove from within our shores.

The worst part about Chinese hijacking 15% of global net traffic is that fifteen minutes later...

Just count our blessings the Axis didn't think of joining up with the only nation to successfully invade the US and burn down The White House to its foundations.

While he's at it, why not sue the parents for not instead adopting a kid from the planet Krypton?

@Eruanno: Good point. It'd be like a Black Hole of Expected Ship Date careens into a giant Quasar of When It's Done, morphing into a warp of the timespace continuum so vast and penetrating that the entire cosmos would snap, and we'd all go back to using desktop calculators spelling out "words" as our only source of

Had only Blizzard paired with Valve instead of Activision, the overwhelming forces of gaming goodness would have been sublime.

@odeed: Well, I didn't say that we're the same as the Cuban government in being touchy about how their leaders (or security forces) are portrayed in video games (or, for that matter, the media). Just that we have the same impulses and pressures, that often have the same result. Reread my original post on this.

@odeed: *pats on head*

@herogear: Unlike Eurasia, Oceania does not ban representations our security forces don't find 100% to their liking. Its bureaucracy merely refuses to provide crucial assistance to those that promote unapproved thought... While ensuring that Oceania's few media broadcasters present this dangerous threat to our Freedom

@karoc: It was my understanding that the US Army created quite a stink over the notion, which was seized upon by the Fox News bobbleheads, which created a "controversy", which resulted in that game option being removed.

@kevipants!: I think we need the addition of a fluffy kitten to balance things out.

I am still holding out for a Magic: the Gathering card set featuring the Giz crew.

@darthVato: At least Fidel got into office the first time without the Cuban Supreme Court putting a halt to the counting of votes, then declaring him the winner.

Before commentators get TOO smug about how those Cuban Commies get their panties in a bunch so quickly over harmless game content, recall how quickly the option to play as a Taliban was yanked from a recent AAA shooter. At least in some large part because the US government wasn't comfortable with the concept and put