
@iownyouallday: That was the worst cover of Still Alive EVAH!

@lolcopter: Except that, once you begin the order process, some reports are that you're locked in until the order clears, else lose your rebate pricing.

As horribly screwed up this is, I'd like to say kudos to the Giz/Gawker writers and editors for the recent shift in tone of coverage. This IS a monumental screwup, but correctly making the story first about AT&T, then their partner, Apple, is more fair and accurate.

@JS_Drupal: Different platforms, different configurations. Flash is great (cough - except for the glaring security problems) for desktop/laptop situations, not so much for mobile ones that the iPhone or iPad are designed for. Apple supports Flash great for the former ones while feeling (with some justification) that

@axiomatic: Does your company - think largest PC mfr in the world - also still support floppy drives? Cuz I get the feeling it does.

@Mark 2000: Tiny, fluffy kittens. That are ravenous for blood.

What? No variations of I really f*cked the chicken?!

* Horribly disappointed the rumored slash Harry/Draco fanfic stories never made it to the silver screen *

@Dekstar: While stupendous and The Best Damned Mac Thing This Year, Steam is, at its core, an online store for games. I think the thrust of the article is utilities or apps that do something.

@uncle_jojo: Which, ironically, was itself a ripoff of MacPaint, which shipped on the original Macs.

@Trai_Dep: No, capitalism is great. But defense contractors aren't by any stretch free market competitors. And your attempt to place the blame on Them Damn Washington Bureaucrats™ is off the mark and silly.

@rebeldevil: It's not the gov't bureaucrats that are jacking the prices up, it's the 'Merica-Lovin' Free Market Capitalist defense contractors who are.

@Señor Cagon: Your fixation on butt-rape signifies it's not the high you're chasing, it's the butt-lovin'

@enigma776: Definitely fake. The tone's all wrong and it just plain ain't funny.

@masonsturtle: What is this "games" you speak of? Is that when you move your fingers quickly in front of candles to make Shadow Warriors on the wall?

For Mac users, it's vital to wear your earbuds while playing Medic in-game.

I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl.

What makes the castrating finishing move so bad-ass is that not only does he geld his opponent, he puts the gonad-smeared bladed hat back on with a flourish.

@irish_boy90: Whoa, the last time I played was on an underpowered PC laptop, so this should be delightful today!