
So... Starred commentators get free whores and comp'd Caddie El Dorado convertibles same as last year, right?

The next Ultimate Fighter contestant who sits through a third round starting bell gets fed, crotch-first, to those same pit bulls.

@Jubilation T. Cornpone: Ferrets, actually. Rabid ferrets. In your pants. At least a couple. Who hate each other.

As responsible adults of good posture, it's our civic responsibility to shoot with a pellet gun any slouching kid playing a console.

@VideoGameFan: So... A bunch of White guys flashing cash go to Asia demanding little girls, and it's all the Pacific Rim's fault, huh?

@VideoGameFan: Hey genius, how many Asian countries have you lived in? Visited?

@senselocke: Its' actually funny: the US is the outlier, a minority.

@Zhejan: Err, you DO realize that men having relations with men (or woman) is the opposite of "similar" to men having relations with minors, riiiiiite? :)

Wow, the graphics for GTA: Taiwan look sort of crappy compared to Rockstar's latest releases.

@hudnut19: Err, unless the Dalai Lama (or whichever monk heads whichever form) tried covering it up for scores of years, or even letting it go on for decades, your comparison is going to really hurt the Catholic Church vis. Buddhism.

@mugamibaku: Ironically, their STD rates, rapes and teen pregnancy rates are all way under the US'. Same with Spain (who also have a younger age of consent).

@Venix: A lot of countries have had different ages of consent with fewer problems (teen pregnancies, rapes, STD rates, statutory rapes...) than in the US.

"Wow. Just... Wow." is still okay, amirite?

Saint Kate is a parochial school focused on building moral, reverent students led by guidance from above.

@TheRevanchist2: Home visits. On his doorstep, hands outstretched. Holding his "lost" kitten.

@jmcm: Funnily enough, roughly have the commentators here feel the same way about someone else's intellectual property. But who don't drive Bentleys.

@BrianDawg: Sadly, they based it on Courier.

@Denalin: Straight from Valve's blog (regarding Portal, but same developers, so...)