@Phoenicks: Superman was novel, so its standards were low.
@Phoenicks: Superman was novel, so its standards were low.
@Nevest356: Demo ≠ Commercial, lauded product.
@Shinkirou: Wait. I thought that Windows users masturbated more often.
I'm sort of bummed since it'll likely crash 1/5 as much as the version I played on Windows, and where's the fun in that?!
Great. Now will deliver a product that experiences 40% failure rates, straight out of the box?
@jack2pot: Depends on the game.
@Bennal: But the Valve stats have always been a snapshot. You're suggesting that it's cumulative, which is novel and not entirely unsupported.
@Alex Morel: "Let this go"?!
@origosis: I've been to Seoul, and when children catch you smoking in elevators, they only get upset if you don't offer them one.
...But the Zerg group-orgy bonus level stays in, right? Because we have to pick our battles very carefully.
@Bennal: You seem to be taking the position that the Valve stats are taking all crashes done since Portal for Windows shipped - maybe during Beta too! - and compared them against the week that Portal Mac has been out. I don't see any evidence of that, and on the face of things, it sounds absurd.
@CrustyCanuck: Whoa.
@Neri: Ouch.
@Ehardergardens: But Valve says it's the same code base, therefore they're not taking credit for OS X stability. They're just noting what their most-awesome data-gathering prowess has revealed: Macs are 5x more stable.
@TrainAss: Is that a geyser of steamed milk, or are you just happy to see me?
@coffinmouth: Yup. Platform snarking aside, it's great news that Valve is highlighting the demand that exists for gaming on OS X.
I would also think that one of the reasons that Valve is so successful - both on the PC and Mac sides - is the brick & mortar game store is such a horrible experience.
@Rectangle: If you click on the source article, you'll see:
@Bennal: So... You're saying you, in your room, playing a game, have better stats than Valve Software has for their own platform?