
Err, about this giving up booze stuff. Let's not get carried away.

yuppers... any crits I post are made with love. Like LH a lot, and 99% of what you do is awesome.

Yeah, Lifehacker seems to be missing the Ethics gene sometimes. Stealing This American Life podcasts to give them out as x-mas presents, highly recommending anti-torrent (ethos at least) software and one other really fugly amoral recommendation they did but can't recall...

Finally upgraded to Photoshop CS2. Toast 7.

Michael -

We had a house guest that we ended up running thru a gauntlet of increasingly bad things(tm).

Mark -

One of the most subtle, but vastly copacetic, new features is the Shuffle By Album feature. I like random, but shuffling by singles was TOO random at times.

oh. my. gawd.

I don't mean to be singling out any columnist. Just pointing out two *glaringly* problematic articles w/in the very recent past. Wouldn't have raised the point if Lifehacker hasn't been firing on all cylinders previously. Has something changed to account for these lapses? Please (with love), please fix!

Geez, guys -

Okay, but how do you fold those Japanese loincloths? Remember, it's not FUN unless you're wearing a FUNdoshi!!

I find that there are cycles that are the really tough parts of pulling an all-nighter. Make it past those and the rest is gravy. Zombified, gray, losing-my-will-to-live-Dormentors-take-me-now gravy.

I categorize by function as well. THAT said, geez, people. Evaluate "need" vs "want". Aphorisms about eyes larger than stomachs. For the sake of the internets, think before you click. Discipline, people!!

I hail from a workplace environment steeped in the gooey embrace of diversity, personal and professional empowerment and the holistic acknowledgement that self-actualization is both journey AND reward.

I'm disappointed in the absence of porn and "self-love". Damn, they're writing off the entire MySpace generation in one fell swoop.

Heh. I like "cheers" for social sigs. Clean, to the point, a sly tip-of-the-glass to all us budding alcoholics... What's not to love?

Wow. I've never seen a run of intellectual claptrap in my life.

Justrick -

Google image scan set for large pix is handy. I decided on a jellyfish theme. They're nicely abstract, other-worldly and the translucent nature of them makes for a nice muted background. More fun and individual to your tastes.