
@DukeMagnum: Thank you for your insight. I've been considering getting on Usenet for a while now and your posts have enlightened me on what to expect.

@magista: I came here to say the same thing. Those are a *little* smaller than my 16 oz bag gloves.

Now playing

Just so you guys can get a sense of scale for these things...

@DeLarge: I'll admit to owning one, because I only use it on PS3 to play online with my buddies.

This guy doesn't buy it.

@socket7: When I first watched I completely missed that (brain fart) and didn't see what was wrong. Then I watched it again...

@IN THE FACE!: I thought you were done posting over here!?

@taiwanesekid05: When playing Gran Turismo 2 in high school the kei car races were always the most fun. Slow, very tight action right up to the finish.

@Minardi Gras: Too early, haha. I completely overlooked that.

@n. alexander ligon: Thanks! I didn't want to watch it and was hoping somebody would summarize it for me.

That thing looks really sweet but I doubt it's worth the money.

@ZeroOrDie: I can't wait for football season to start back up and watch the Pack!

Seatbelts made the list? Really guys?