@bugattatra - Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?: +10,000 internets to you sir.
@bugattatra - Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?: +10,000 internets to you sir.
@irishman72: Since the rear wheel is enclosed you don't have to worry about getting Isadora Duncan'd.
Anyone got a link to the history of the Royales? I don't feel like Googling around right now.
@i_drift_volvos: And probably completely undriveable. Still cool, though.
Here's the direct link:
@xsbs: My thoughts exactly... I don't really care if I get banned from Giz but I don't want the ban to carry over to Jalopnik.
@FTGDWolverineEdition: Fire up the printer!
@stoke™, now with more Alcon!: hahaha nice
@OddManOut: Yes, and at the time I didn't have the mouse and keyboard, and consistently got my ass handed to me.
@grellanl: I own a Nexus One, and I feel that content is already forced on me in Android 2.1 and 2.2. I should be able to remove the Amazon MP3, Facebook, and Twitter apps if I so desire.
I normally HATE cages in street cars, but if this thing can turn 9's, I'd be too scared to drive it without the cage.
@YankBoffin: Totally agree with you. Sidewalks are pedestrian walkways. Only thing with wheels that should be on a sidewalk is a wheelchair.
@Killjoy: Didn't notice that at first but you're absolutely right. Somebody should put up another note next to it correcting him.
@Clstirens: That's why I hear it's easier just to tell them you're Canadian, as they usually can't tell the difference.
@Skyblade: Yeah, no kidding. It would be interesting to see the stats if they, ya know, included PAPERBACKS!
@Toby: I'm pretty sure it's first to invent, not first to file, but you obviously have to prove that somehow...
@JakeMG: Consequences Will Never Be The Same!!!: I love the Zune desktop app and the ability to keep 10 songs a month, but I can't justify paying for it without an Android app. I don't want to have to carry my 120GB Zune in addition to my Nexus One. That's why I'm going to hold out for Google Music and see how it…