
Good thing I RTFA. I was going to complain about their choice on renting tools, but they added this blurb: "If you truly use a variety of tools on a regular basis, it’s worth it to have your own set. Anyone with a passion for carpentry, home improvement or cars should have a tool chest with their name on it."

@Donny Swany: Even at that failure rate, it still may be cheaper to buy. We bought our cable modem for $50 because it cost $5/month to lease one from Comcast. Given that rate, as long as the modems last on average a year or longer, it's still cheaper to buy.

@hipersons: Plus, when you buy used, you still have the option to keep the book if you want it. I know it sounds crazy, but I have kept some of my textbooks from college for reference use in the real world, and have actually used them at work.

@ericesque: All that is based on the assumption that Zune will be around for the next 55 years. Other than the 10 DRM-free tracks you get each month, once the service folds, your music will be gone.

@jaymcminn: And that's why I voted CP. I also pictured it in a similar state, but to get it there from the price makes it CP. For 3600 it should be damn near the condition you mentioned. In its current state I'd pay $1500 max.

I guess playing Tokyo Bus Guide just wasn't enough.

@t0by: I got out of a ticket for having a crappy car. It was about 10 degrees outside, and I got pulled over for not using my blinkers. There was a short in the circuit somewhere that happened recently and I explained that to the officer. He saw that I was bundled up in my winter jacket, gloves, and hat, and asked

@PipeSmokingVolvoDriver: Take the high-res images from Gawker and give them to your local print shop. Done.

@Tyrunn: To say that anyone who uses it DESERVES to be caught (and potentially pay a $60k fine) is a little harsh.

@cdoggoblingbling: T-Mo is good for smartphones too, at least in major cities. I get 3G all over Chicago and don't forget that T-Mo will be rolling out HSPA+ in dozens of cities by the end of the year. Also, they currently allow unlimited data and are the only GSM carrier besides AT&T.

@Steffi: Yeah but you know that she has to be CRAZY in the sack.

@GeeHalen: That thing is pure sex. Me want.

@minibeardeath: I always thought of quantum mechanics as reverse engineered physics.

@Fractal the Meek: I was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe it's because I'm an engineer.

@Eulatos: I agree with you about the unions. Back in the day of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle unions were needed to ensure safe working conditions but now it's about extracting the most money while doing the least amount of work.

@FightingChance: Agreed that these are win, since they are not ghetto rigged and actually racks installed onto the vehicle. Why not use it like a daily driver? I know I would.

I am probably alone here, but I'll share anyway.