@jedimario: Clean. That's what I call it.
@jedimario: Clean. That's what I call it.
@cobrajoe: Got my degree in General Engineering from the University of Illinois (if you couldn't tell by my avatar). I'm not an engineer by trade though; I work on financial models and automated trading strategies for a proprietary trading firm, hence the user name.
@cobrajoe: I just got my engineering degree last May. 10 cars, coming up on 8 years driving. That number would be easily double if I had the funds.
@Motor_Yakuza: I'd want them to bring back the MKIV Supra exactly how they left it.
@SagarikaLumos: This one?
Typical of an iPhone user to title the post "How To Avoid... With Your iPhone" instead of using a generic term like smartphone. What if an Android user never clicked on the post because he immediately thought the app was iPhone only and missed out on this great app?
@Ben Wojdyla: Too bad all the pre-depression automotive thrones are relegated to councours shows and pristine garages. If I had a car like that Buccali, I would drive it every day.
I am totally ashamed of myself. I lived in St. Louis (only a couple hours away from Salem) for several years and never made it to the 100 Acre Wood rally.
@trevorhht: In middle school and early high school, I was into RC, before I could drive. But the moment I could pilot a real car, and experience the G forces and look through that windshield, I never touched an RC car again.
Financial Professional right here... I can drive pretty well but I can't park for shit.
@Jon: I don't own one yet, nor have I ever, but when I do I got a guy over at Corksport who can hook me up.