Tracys Face

You should, and I hope you enjoy it! I should admit, though, that not unlike Clueless, it's a movie ingrained into my DNA that I can in no way be objectively critical about. Some of my friends feel the same way about Can't Hardly Wait, which, aside from a few funny side-characters, I never really got the appeal of.

I also don't have much love for Catcher in the Rye, but it's less "Fuck that book and fuck Holden!" and more, "Dude, Catcher doesn't hold a candle to the Glass stories."

As a long-time fan of the movie, I was super excited when I first saw that Criterion was adding Dazed and Confused to the collection. I remember thinking, "Hey, good for you guys! This DVD looks terrific, and I respect your broad taste. It doesn't all have to be Godard movies!"

I think I remember that discussion about "I wanna dance!"

Clueless and Election are the titans, but I would also humbly add 10 Things I Hate About You to the list.

In a way, I think you nailed what's so appealing about the movie to me.
I've related to it in different ways over the years and many viewings.

Agreed. The countdown thing cheapens what genuinely is a surprising, tragic, well-acted moment with Hannigan and Segel.

I've only seen the DVD director's cut as well. The ending is awful bleak, and I mean that as a compliment.

That was definitely the weakness of part one, no question. It's like Zombie wants to have his cake and eat it, too, by providing his own backstory to Michael Myers (and whether you like it or not, at least Zombie made it his own; I can respect that if not necessarily like what he did with it) while simultaneously

Scream 4, I agree, is a lot of fun. If they were going to go back to the well, I'm glad they did it like that.

I've encountered several examples of critics and fans trying to make the case for Zombie's Halloween II as an underrated masterwork. I was wondering if anyone here could shed some light on that.

Ha. The Losing Wilson scene would feature on a different, but no less fun, list: Scenes That Make You Cry Like A Child.

You nailed it. What makes The Descent such an incredible movie (and this thread backs me up) is that we can spend hours talking about how scary it is and never once mention the creatures. I can't think of a more effective portrayal of soul-sucking claustrophobia.

Oh, you're not alone! It's definitely a humorous scene, but only - at least for me - in the context of re-watching the movie. If you can imagine me seeing it for the first time, not only unaware of how the movie will play out but also mostly ignorant of the Zodiac case as a whole, I was riveted and terrified. For all

I had honestly never heard of it until reading this thread. Lo and behold, it's just a click away on Netflix instant. I'll get back to you in a few days to discuss - for now, thanks for the tip, gents.

Not just the footage of the party, but Joaquin Phoenix's *reaction* to the footage is priceless - it manages to simultaneously add to the terror whilst also defusing it with humor.

What kept me up at night following the first viewing were those quick, blink-and-you'll-miss-them cuts to the demon's horrifying face that are occasionally spread throughout the movie. Still gives me the willies.

Can you please elaborate on #2? I've seen The Exorcist lots of times and don't exactly remember what you're referring to (also, it's been awhile since I've watched it, for what it's worth).

Ha, I know, and thanks. Old habits.

Oh, man, The Grey!