Tracys Face

Oh, Stacey had a lovely face, no doubt. But this face cannot be trifled with.

Zombie's Halloween movies….eesh, those are tricky. They're so routinely shit on that I'll often try to defend them, even though I don't particularly like them that much. Yes - God, yes - they're messes of movies, but there's an undeniable talent and artistry on display in them, often clashing with the source material

Zombie's Halloween movies….eesh, those are tricky. They're so routinely shit on that I'll often try to defend them, even though I don't particularly like them that much. Yes - God, yes - they're messes of movies, but there's an undeniable talent and artistry on display in them, often clashing with the source material

Curtis really does nail it in H20. I just wish the rest of the movie was up to her level of commitment. It's like 20 minutes of a pretty kick-ass Halloween sequel wrapped around 60 minutes of another rote Scream clone, which were prevalent at the time.

Curtis really does nail it in H20. I just wish the rest of the movie was up to her level of commitment. It's like 20 minutes of a pretty kick-ass Halloween sequel wrapped around 60 minutes of another rote Scream clone, which were prevalent at the time.

Yeah, we talked about this plenty on the other thread, but it's worth getting into, because it really does harm an otherwise decent book.

Yeah, we talked about this plenty on the other thread, but it's worth getting into, because it really does harm an otherwise decent book.

An old roommate of mine, who was a fan of Two and a Half Men (whereas I could merely tolerate it at its best) could never understand why I would become noticeably bummed out whenever Lynskey showed up on screen.

An old roommate of mine, who was a fan of Two and a Half Men (whereas I could merely tolerate it at its best) could never understand why I would become noticeably bummed out whenever Lynskey showed up on screen.

I never forgot about the plot twist, but it does serve as a good example of how age can affect your reaction to things.

I never forgot about the plot twist, but it does serve as a good example of how age can affect your reaction to things.

Although I wouldn't go as far as @avclub-14ab3610488873ae27b32947a76e6bd1:disqus's "boring and totally sucks," I was nonetheless underwhelmed upon my first Rocky Horror experience.

Although I wouldn't go as far as @avclub-14ab3610488873ae27b32947a76e6bd1:disqus's "boring and totally sucks," I was nonetheless underwhelmed upon my first Rocky Horror experience.

I disagree. As good as Streep and Hoffman are in Doubt, I feel like Adams walked away with the most understated, nuanced performance in that movie.

I disagree. As good as Streep and Hoffman are in Doubt, I feel like Adams walked away with the most understated, nuanced performance in that movie.

I'm with you. Kudrow always brought the goods, but mid-to-late season Phoebe holds up way better than the pretty insufferable, early-season Phoebe.

I'm with you. Kudrow always brought the goods, but mid-to-late season Phoebe holds up way better than the pretty insufferable, early-season Phoebe.

"You're just some phony…wannabe….criminal….man!"

"You're just some phony…wannabe….criminal….man!"

Yup. They way Chandler and Joey solve the Eddie problem is priceless.