
Know-nothing pure peanut-gallery idiot’s hand-waving (you’ve been warned): phlogiston was certain to exist to explain the combustibility of materials until oxidation, and eventually electrons, were discovered. Dark matter must exist to explain (for example) why galaxies don’t fly apart, until the special special

“It’s a rule of ecology,” Kynes said, “that the young Master appears to understand quite well. The struggle between life elements is the struggle for the free energy of a system. Blood’s an efficient energy source.”

“I’ll just say that, you know, no set piece, no X-Wing, no Millennium Falcon could compare to the sheer scale of Josh Brolin’s head,”

“I think that in order to bring Dune to the screen, I had to be as close to nature as possible and to make Dune as close to us as possible. So when people will see the movie, they will be amazed by the power of the landscape... [and] most importantly, they will feel strangely at home.”

Now playing

When they see a tight parking spot they can just fit into with crab mode....

I’m not sure “Hummers are cancer” is the rebrand they’re looking for.

As long as you keep the “Latest” option available, so we can have a version of the site that isn’t a UX fever nightmare, I could care less about the layout.

Typically you don’t get the crabs from just a Hummer

Is there any way you could possibly get that pop-up about the newsletter to appear more frequently?    I love seeing it.

Redesigns don’t make us mad. It’s the cubic buttload of clickbait ads we have to wade through, and also seeing that one guy’s face for weeks at a time. I forgot his name, but unfortunately won’t forget that image that would never end. 

Ads... I endure them on desktop, but they make the site is horrifically unstable on mobile. So, I, uh, made made some changes to it useable on mobile.

I updated mine to

yep, as long as we have that /latest for each part of the site we can keep the format we are used to.

I was here in the early days, 2005 likely. Back then I was here and Leftlanenews and the fast lane daily on youtube. Ditched LLN many years ago, Fastlane got bought out and went to shit and is gone now I think, and Jalopnik, well I’m holding hope some turnover can get back to what made this place great.

hey just wanted to say i love you jason and also, subsequently, fuck the haters·

i updated my bookmark to

Ok - who ya got?

Or Slurm..


a rare spice that grows on her home planet of Arrakis.