
That would only address fuel consumption, not NOx emissions.

Agreed. Also, I don’t think ventilators are the go-to treatment anymore. I know in the beginning it was a quick last resort for people and there was a legitimate shortage, but from what I’ve read (admittedly sporadically and not in-depth) they’ve come up with other breathing and pharmaceutical treatments, and have

I want to know why all the numbers that are shown by the media is always cases to date. As in cases since the beginning of all this. 6 million cases in the US. Ok is that 6 million now, or what? How many have recovered? How many are still sick? 

“Did he die from getting hit by a bus, or did he die ‘having been hit by a bus’? Maybe the bus hitting him wouldn’t have killed him if he didn’t already have diabetes.

And as a young healthy person you are still very unlikely to die from it.

we’ve been enduring a year of a collapsing economy, losing jobs, and hiding in our homes. I think these armchair experts have every right to say their piece. If you’re so put off by their opinion, get off social media and go do something outside! Oh wait... That’s not safe.

So never try the neuralink thing is what youre saying...

T double-E double-R double-R double-I double-F double-I double-C C C

While Musk is a dick in many ways, in this particular instance he’s right. You can’t completely stop a field of technology from developing, and if it’s the worst case scenario if it’s done behind closed doors in some shadowy dictatorship. It’s best to develop it out in the open, addressing the ethical questionmarks

Hmmm, where have I seen this before? Oh yeah...

Rivian: “All your employees are now belong to us”

It’s all baffling really

And he gets torn apart with every article yet they still have him as a main contributor. I don’t get it.

I’ve made that comment here a number of times. I almost never read who the author is before reading the articles, but lately I’ve been finding that 2 or 3 sentences in I’m scrolling up to see who wrote it.

Wow, scorching hot take on the Union absenteeism resulting in a need for GM to entice white collar workers to keep production moving. GM continuing to build and sell vehicles literally helps every single employee at GM. WTF does that have to do with “management’s favor”? If the Union has a stipulation in contract on

2nd gear: The UAW exhibits their predictably short-sighted behavior, failing to realize that if GM isn’t making vehicles, no one gets to keep their job. Do they do anything anymore, besides filing grievances, protecting bad employees, and accepting bribes?

(Note before everyone jumps on me with their straw-man

This is exactly what is wrong with unions. Instead of figuring out a way to support their members so they can work, they draw a line and defend their turf. If unions added value to both their members AND THE COMPANY, they would be a huge asset to our economy and could more easily make the case for better pay and

Fun game! Ignore the banner and see how may gears you have to read before you know who wrote the ‘Shift!
Go check once you know.
I got here:
It’s funny that whenever something is working in management’s favor it’s always just a one-time “special case” situation.”

...Erik Shilling.

2nd: That should be the standard in some capacity, assuming those white collars work on vehicle development in some fashion. All engineers should be required to deal with the building aspect of what they are designing.