
Article is about the ISS, shows an artist rendering of Mir with the space shuttle attached, brilliant.

...found a hidden compartment...with a final weigh-in of around 75 pounds of cocaine.

I once bought a second-hand DVD player that had a copy of High School Musical in the tray so I know EXACTLY how the buyer of the car felt.

Wait, there should be a unit of measure for something like this. If I recall John Delorean was busted with 100 kgs of Automotive Alternative Financing Instrument i.e. coke. So what if 100kg is a Delorean

Sometimes I think I need more “Archer” in my life.  Today is one of those times.

They sure did blow inspection.

So the car’s a Crack Pipe however much it sold for, amirite?

Sorry San Fran, your bridge is a kazoo now.

There also wasn’t a good reason to make Ultimate!Reed Richards a bad guy, Ultimate!Quicksilver and Ultimate!Scarlet Witch incestual lovers, and Ultimate!Hulk a cannibal either, but they did them anyway.

That’s not a good example. Marvel wanted to make Ultimate!Fury look like Sam Jackson, and he only gave them permission if he got first dibs to play Fury in a live-action movie. Even if Marvel wanted to cast a white guy to play Fury, they were legally not allowed to. 

All for representation in comics and comic films, but taking an established character and changing their race to appeal to POC is not the way to do it. Take existing characters and push them to the forefront or make new ones altogether. if I heard someone was trying to change Susan Storm to be black, I’d push back

After the studio demanded that Sue Storm be white, they then insisted that the plot suck, the pacing be uneven and off-putting, and the script be equal parts predictable and moronic. I am guessing about that last stuff, but it seems like the most plausible explanation.

This guy has spent most of his free time since that movie came out trying to blame everybody else for what a turd it was. I feel like he’s just taking advantage of the current protests/movements for his own agenda. In this case for something as petty as trying to save face over a crappy comic book movie. He just cast

Maybe I am wrong about this, but just changing the skin color of the actors does not really add much “representation”. There is not much about the story ark of FF4 that relates to the Black experience. If you took the cast of Friends and made them all black with out changing the story would just be weird.

Jason posted this item 2 years ago

More practical approach would just be to use an aircraft catapult (i.e. what the Navy uses on aircraft carriers)

Worth noting, the necessity of the above is driven by the fact that even lightweight aircraft like the Cessna with passengers &/OR cargo on board see range additions diminish to zero at ridiculously low ranges (Typically under 200 miles, with this strategy of “just throw batteries in the belly and get it in the air”