
To add onto this, not everyone can charge at home so these problems are exacerbated.

They still sell the Bolt. I don’t know.

I had to reread that headline several times and still didn’t get it.

Neutral: I wouldn’t be surprised to see a hydrogen infrastructure for truckers, and a charging infrastructure for everyone else. Truckers can’t afford to waste time recharging, and it’s realistic to establish a limited hydrogen infrastructure along highways (akin to Tesla’s supercharger network)

Raphael’s total failure to mention the Bolt, available at every (or nearly every) Chevrolet dealership in the country, is bizarre. Sure, it’s not a worldwide top-seller like the Model 3, but GM does produce one of the country’s most popular BEVs.

Thank God. Indy resident here. Those cars do nothing but take up valuable parking spaces in areas where it’s nearly impossible to find parking. They are never out of their spots=nobody uses them. I think it was more of an idea for a larger city where it’s harder to own your own vehicle or move around in it. Most of

Possibly because of US trader-customer laws and liability? All it takes is one belligerent customer to find fault with one of the cars and sue the council who sold it to him and the whole plan is out of profit and into ‘expensive’ territory, which is a strict no-no for any city council.

The lawyers will still get millions. That is the main reason this suit is filed.

Neutral: How do I feel about cars? Same as ever. And I was really enjoying the lack of traffic that is now gradually coming to an end.

Two friends were killed on the night of our highschool graduation (1988) in a Samurai rollover. One was trapped under the vehicle and one was thrown from it and impacted a mailbox, breaking her neck. Two others lived, one paralysed and one walked away completely physically uninjured. They were young drivers (17 and 18

Same as all the corporate statements and blackout pictures all over social media today. Does literally nothing but if you don’t do it, you’re a racist. 

Neutral: After nine (?) weeks working at home with 9 year old twins, grocery shopping is now a joy. I’ll use any excuse to get out of the house; even just firing up the Beast and cruising up the highway listening to music. Since I no longer have a motorcycle, this is now my chill time. 

Aimlessly driving is a great way to clear my head. Of course, I am white. If you’re a person of color, that same activity can lead to all sorts of bad outcomes.

You should be horrified and extremely disappointed in your racist comments.

That would be the Bronco II.

For some reason, white people in this country only understand violence

Neutral: Getting into the car to go somewhere is like field trip day at school.

Neutral - No change. I still like em and not a fan of working on them.

Except it’s not. The CDC has said the best case mathematical fit shows a 0.26% mortality rate. It’s not 1% as you say is current, and it could be as low as 0.1%, which is on par with a moderate flu season.