
There also appears to be slush in between the lanes. That’s even worse than rain in most cases.

Sure, VAG allows this to come to the states, but a more popular and practical S4 Avant isn’t approved? Pfff...

Thrust cannot be converted into HP unless we know the velocity parallel to the direction of the thrust. There are a ton of factors to take into consideration, but there is a basic formula to figure it out. As for WPS, I’m not certain if it’s a manufacturer claim of that output. WPS from what I found is West Power

I’m glad it’s not just American’s that take our their cell phones to record as chaos erupts around them. Luckily, this group of people are light on their feet. Seems as though they pass the KFCs and McDonalds of the World as possible options of “food”.

Can’t fix stupid...

Glad she noticed and called her out, but damn, she toopid.

Some Chinese company will buy it..

This man definately should not be on the roads behind the wheel of a vehicle. Something is a bit off with him. Alzheimers maybe? Dimentia..

Mileage is too high for my liking. Great car for someone who would either daily it or take it out on the weekends and put minimal mileage on it. I have a friend who owns one of similar spec, minus the poorly painted wheels and upgraded subs behind your seat. He has had quite a few issues with his, but has deeper

*sigh* nothing against you directly. I just wish people would stop saying this “dat wing doe”.. Unless you’re 15..then I guess I understand.

For me...

You should not start with “To be fair” when it comes to idiots crossing a train track and not looking to see if its clear of oncoming trains. Especiallly when traffic is stopped ahead of you. That last driver deserved to get hit. Entitled assholes are too often pulling this stunt in the middle of intersections and

So glad years of YouTube have trained us to NEVER film in portrait mode with a cell phone...sheesh. :) Thanks for sharing, though.

Intersting. I haven’t heard about those. I used to live in the North East, so I wasn’t exposed to many events. Now I live in SoCal, so hopefully I can find those! Thanks for the heads up.

Are you referring to road courses?

I’ll probably take a lot of heat for asking this, but..would you consider it to be too fast for our crappy US roads? I mean, it does 0-124 in under 8 seconds. Besides a track, you can’t use any of it’s potential, well without prison time.

Yes, there is absoultely nothing that can go wrong with that...

Prime Time

That was painful to listen to. I haven’t heard retardation like that in a long time from reporters haha

Slow news in Phoenix.