
What teenager wants to have sex with 5 men at once? And they filmed it. Do they think they have magic dicks or something? Why is this even a question

I’ve gotten the stuff together to do a do-it-yourself menstrual extractor , look into it it’s not that hard. I put in IUDs at work and this not much harder than that

I come here mainly for your comments. Please don’t leave us!

“Diane Foley, EFL’s executive director and a physician, is up-front about funding sources. Everything at Life Network, she says, is carefully compartmentalized to keep from using federal money for a religious activity. “


When they did this in Texas , I called all 100 or so clinics they listed who could supposedly take the place of women’s health clinics. Most were surprised they were listed, they were general surgical centers and didn’t supply birth control or pap smears, etc. They ONE clinic I found that did woman’s healthcare had a

One dog sleeps between me and partner. My cat sleeps on the bed at my feet. My big dog sleeps on a dogbed on on the floor. They all snore including my partner. Yet I sleep great!!

She got her gold so the younger girls can just lump it.

I didn’t have any friends or family or anyone I knew here in North Texas get sick with flu until just this week. Then my daughter and coworker got flu,/pneumonia combo. And they both got flu shots months ago.

No royals in Spain or Sweden who aren’t married at the moment

No one is allergic to the copper Iud unless you have Wilson’s disease where your liver can’t process copper.

The Cowboys duck to your wit, Duracell.

You cannot withdraw a woman that pregnant from heroin. It could kill the baby. You have to withdraw both after delivery

She’s going to ruin that new kidney with drug use again.

The Day After, youngsters.


What Meghan Wears has all

Ugh, she’s so smug. Maybe he’ll get sick of her when she moves to London.

I was a labor and delivery nurse in a very busy suburban unit for 16 years and know of less than 5 deaths during that time. And one was a person who refused blood due to her religion. That maternal mortality rate sounds way too high!

Seeing.  *