
Slender Man?

Slender Man?

She gave you the CancerAIDS you now have, didn't she?

She gave you the CancerAIDS you now have, didn't she?

Seriously, what is cock-rock? I'm afraid to google it for self-evident reasons.

Seriously, what is cock-rock? I'm afraid to google it for self-evident reasons.

Yeah, I've heard great things about The Man Who Would Be King. Thanks for mentioning it, I will try to watch it ASAP.

Yeah, I've heard great things about The Man Who Would Be King. Thanks for mentioning it, I will try to watch it ASAP.

No, thank you for your great reviews every week. It's great to come here and read various plot and thematic points I may have missed upon initially watching the show.

No, thank you for your great reviews every week. It's great to come here and read various plot and thematic points I may have missed upon initially watching the show.

I've mentioned The Treasure of the Sierra Madre parallels before, and they keep on coming. The conversation about whether to fire, kill, or keep Todd was strikingly similar to the conversation the three main characters in Treasure had about what to do with the newcomer Cody. Also, the rift that occurred between Bogart

I've mentioned The Treasure of the Sierra Madre parallels before, and they keep on coming. The conversation about whether to fire, kill, or keep Todd was strikingly similar to the conversation the three main characters in Treasure had about what to do with the newcomer Cody. Also, the rift that occurred between Bogart

I smell a Breaking Bad/Justified crossover!

I smell a Breaking Bad/Justified crossover!

Thanks for the kind words. Now all I have to do is get a girlfriend.

Thanks for the kind words. Now all I have to do is get a girlfriend.

I just liked the design on it, and wanted something to remind me of NYC. Considering that the shirt had the ridiculous price of 25 bucks, I have since regretted the purchase.

I just liked the design on it, and wanted something to remind me of NYC. Considering that the shirt had the ridiculous price of 25 bucks, I have since regretted the purchase.

Hey… I own a Hard Rock Cafe shirt. (walks shamefully into the distance)

Hey… I own a Hard Rock Cafe shirt. (walks shamefully into the distance)