
@avclub-be3648e6ef8db179a8ae1f647691e808:disqus but Obama's also passed government-funded healthcare, repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", lowered the unemployment rate, and appointed two female justices to the supreme court, the equivalent to the amount of female justices in the history of the court, ended combat

@avclub-be3648e6ef8db179a8ae1f647691e808:disqus but Obama's also passed government-funded healthcare, repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", lowered the unemployment rate, and appointed two female justices to the supreme court, the equivalent to the amount of female justices in the history of the court, ended combat

Looking back at the AV Club review for that episode, it was pretty good, but perhaps not on par with the shows' best episodes.

Looking back at the AV Club review for that episode, it was pretty good, but perhaps not on par with the shows' best episodes.

"Radio Song" by R.E.M.

"Radio Song" by R.E.M.

I think the last two seasons were better than this one so far, but its not a huge difference. With the possible exception of The Late Phillip J. Fry, nothing has been outstanding.

I think the last two seasons were better than this one so far, but its not a huge difference. With the possible exception of The Late Phillip J. Fry, nothing has been outstanding.

Ya hear that Philly sports fans, we're not as bad as Yankee fans! Woo-hoo! Seriously though, as horrible as we are, we couldn't be as bad as Yankee fans if we wanted to (which I think we do).

Except for the soft pretzels. Stay AWAY from the soft pretzels.

Except for the soft pretzels. Stay AWAY from the soft pretzels.

I dunno, Wawa lathers their sandwiches in salt. Sure, it no doubt tastes better than Subway, but also leaves me in a perpetual state of thirst. On second thought though, its probably worth it for how good they are.

I dunno, Wawa lathers their sandwiches in salt. Sure, it no doubt tastes better than Subway, but also leaves me in a perpetual state of thirst. On second thought though, its probably worth it for how good they are.

I wanted to slap Trautwig whenever he announced Mustafina Moo-sta-finn-ah. I like Mustafina too, she has a certain quiet strength and pride.

I wanted to slap Trautwig whenever he announced Mustafina Moo-sta-finn-ah. I like Mustafina too, she has a certain quiet strength and pride.

Harrison winning Gold is probably my favorite moment of the Olympics so far. Her embracing the woman who she beat and giving that guy in the crowd a big hug was really touching. Also, talk about overcoming adversity.

Harrison winning Gold is probably my favorite moment of the Olympics so far. Her embracing the woman who she beat and giving that guy in the crowd a big hug was really touching. Also, talk about overcoming adversity.

Strange thread. Why is anybody taking sides with either of these cunning, self-aggrandizing people? I'll admit that I was feeling sympathy for Skylar during that scene, but it was only because Walt was the aggressor; Skylar probably would have done something equally shitty to Walt were the roles reversed. Maybe we

Strange thread. Why is anybody taking sides with either of these cunning, self-aggrandizing people? I'll admit that I was feeling sympathy for Skylar during that scene, but it was only because Walt was the aggressor; Skylar probably would have done something equally shitty to Walt were the roles reversed. Maybe we

I dunno I saw the watch thing as more of a sign that Jesse has genuine affection for Walt and thinks that they are close friends while Walt continues to lie to him and manipulate him. It struck me as pretty damn tragic, aside from the watch-as-mortality cliche.