
Nope. Goofy and entertaining. Not “Guardians.” And BTW, “brevity is the soul of wit.”

Pity you/she didn’t watch “Captain America: The First Avenger.” Starring Chris Evans. A movie which had the same fucking ending. Different vintage bombers. But whatever, ladies.

“Developed world” I think you mean. Not “word.”

Read her latest book, and like the crux of her career (post her most revealing “performance,” on “Seinfeld” as a delusional/manipulative/blood-sucking “victim” who makes hay out of her alleged tormentors) she comes off as utterly lacking self-awareness, mean-spirited and a total attention whore. I regarded this whole

Garner felt the need to say she didn’t “authorize” a cover story? Lady, you’re in the public eye. Your denial had a lot of not-exactly-denying-the-facts-of-the-story to it. Not usually People’s style of puffery, piecing something together second hand, but griping about a story you didn’t “authorize” is Trumpian.

If they’re not crowd-source identified, nothing at all happens. They’re as safe as any other troll. Attaching a name/location, Facebook profile to the offender delivers consequences. Anonymity is their safe space — to rant, revel in their bigotry and be secretly celebrated by others who see them in the “spotlight.”

Yeah, he made it look easy. But the left fielder bungled finding the ball. He had lots of time. Beating out a double play ball would be a lot more common if the umpires had slo-mo available on every play. They make that “out” call as just a matter of course.

Yeah, I’m with you. They’d be better off just sticking with automatics and abusing them the way those prone to hooning do. All this macho “shifting” when there is nobody on set who can drive a stick is laughable.

I’d hate to be just starting out now, though my first years out of school were harbingers of the “gig economy” to come. Part time jobs, contract work, intermittent pay. As a lot of people and you point out, “emergency fund” is the first thing you need to tuck away. I always called it “fuck you money,” a means of

Your choice of opening blurbs is odd, as Hillsdale College is a widely-known right wing “safe space” where dipshits like Michael Medved and Bernie Goldberg float their culture war trial balloons, as they plan their latest books preying on the semi-literate. Naturally, somebody speaking there would avoid Trump. Other

Producer and action auteur in his own right Walter Hill (“48 Hours,””Southern Comfort,” “The Driver,” “Hard Times”) was the one who suggested, “Make Ripley a woman,” during a knotty late script doctoring session. He made Ridley Scott’s career, and Weaver’s, with that one line. Changed sci-fi. Walter “Deadwood” Hill.

Yeah, as long as New York media and publishing are one big mazel tov circle jerk, there’ll always be space for Jewish 20somethings to navel gaze as if they’re the first to perceive a belly button. ‘Merica!

Wait, she texts.ignores and then ditches with extreme prejudice and is plainly a self-absorbed ditz, and everybody here is piling on him? “Dork discovers what it means to date a self-absorbed brat and sues” might have been a more accurate headline. “Bitch,” if you must Gizmodo-it.

News flash —- “Good News” is the show that really brings the pain in this lineup. Ugh.

Um, nope.

So, she was shrill and brusque and judging you on your attire. Your piece has no punch, teases scandal it doesn’t deliver and has the weakest punchline ever. Let’s hear from Bill O’Reilly’s staff.

He will be in prison. As an unnamed CIA source said back in Feb., “He’s going to die in prison.”


Hey, where’s Register’s photo? (Can’t find one, at first glance, myself). I need to be able to recognize him when he’s rehired for BFE, Fl, which is where every fired cop ends up.

Hey, where’s Register’s photo? (Can’t find one, at first glance, myself). I need to be able to recognize him when he’s rehired for BFE, Fl, which is where every fired cop ends up.