
Small lineup shows Bennett figures things out and makes adjustments that work. And if he’s learning to lean on underclassmen — finally — and getting his best shooters off the bench — they could make a run.

I heartily endorse this pitch. Charismatic, funny, able to go off script (not much, but a little). But y’all need to learn to spell Dwayne
“The Rock” Johnson’s first name.

Flag the cop car, get the plate of the Sequoia, leave a name and number and offer to testify. There’s an impervious imperiousness to the boys and girls with badges these days. The cop was in the wrong.

I’ll bet you meant “Death March” in that headline.

As NPR established long before the Internet gave every woman the same microphone, this manner of self-absorbed navel-gazing, while not wholly feminine, is very much a female thing. It’s unseemly coming from a man. No, it’s not because we live unexamined lives. It’s because most of us — Dave Eggers excluded — are just

“Zoilists Unleashed” sounds like the perfect alternative name for, oh, Gizmodo media’s entire lineup.

And that’s only half a movie. Actually, “Badlands” is his best, “Days of Heaven” second best. There may be a cut of “Thin Red Line” that holds together, tells a coherent story and doesn’t get lost in leaves drifting on puddles with Jim Cavieziel staring off into the distance.

Malick is Charlie Brown in the Art Film World’s “Peanuts.” An endless repetition of footballs offered, followed by epic whiffs. That said, if he’s actually made one about something, with this setting, that holds promise.

Fox News created this climate, an alternate reality that Trump was elected in and keeps as his power base. Fuck them, and fuck Chris Wallace for his hand in this shit. There is no “better late than never” for him or Sheep Dog Smith.

“Sparred briefly.” Not “spared.”

Maher’s finest moment was late last year, when he couldn’t quite bring himself to challenge Julian Assange, then went fetal when Assange obliquely threatened him on air. Cowardly whiny little bitch.

“La La Land” is Hollywood onanism, and isn’t really good enough for friends to recommend to other friends. “Manchester by the Sea” is regarded as a weeper and damaged goods, with all the Affleck blowback. As those two movies have sucked up all the “Oscar” attention, there’s your problem. Inside the LA Beltway

Sorry, not buying it. Asshole in the truck did something — a LOT of somethings — to get this to a “punch through the window” moment.

Talking with dealers of classics and exotics for a magazine piece on collecting I took away one money quote, and one basic rule of thumb — the bell curve of demographics works against every collectible car, and for most buyers not in the Seinfeld/Leno class, there’s a “ten year window” when people — guys mostly — get

Is Dr. Phil the worst of Oprah’s many crimes? Quack therapist vs. quack promoter of fake cures and conspiracy medicine (Dr. Oz) vs. “The Secret” (utter shyte, dangerously dumb) and Tyler Perry? That’s a tough call.

As there were no eggs or rotten tomatoes, “got what he deserved” seems a bit of an overstatement.

Love the tabloid photos of the reporter trying to cross all sorts of ethical lines with the Fancy Man. Plainly smitten, perhaps not in his league, perhaps lacking professional distance.

Yeah, no argument with everything everybody is saying about him. But she’s a real piece of work, too — braying, spoiled princess who figures money and a mouth makes you smart. All she needs is a combover and she could be president.

Le Batard is doing what Kornheiser got into trouble for doing, and what finally got Cowherd the move to Fox that he’d been angling for since he discovered his love for Jack Kemp, Roger Ailes and anybody who’d cut his taxes. I don’t often agree with him, and Le Batard’s knee-jerk Cuban exile stance about normalizing

Perhaps they’re in agreement with the Fuhrer’s policies, and you’re asking them to stop drinking beer or listening to country music. Assuming anybody drawn to that line of work would ever read Jezebel or run into this point of view, in his or his daily web meanderings, is a leap. These are Trump voters doing Trump’s