Love the tabloid photos of the reporter trying to cross all sorts of ethical lines with the Fancy Man. Plainly smitten, perhaps not in his league, perhaps lacking professional distance.
Love the tabloid photos of the reporter trying to cross all sorts of ethical lines with the Fancy Man. Plainly smitten, perhaps not in his league, perhaps lacking professional distance.
Yeah, no argument with everything everybody is saying about him. But she’s a real piece of work, too — braying, spoiled princess who figures money and a mouth makes you smart. All she needs is a combover and she could be president.
Le Batard is doing what Kornheiser got into trouble for doing, and what finally got Cowherd the move to Fox that he’d been angling for since he discovered his love for Jack Kemp, Roger Ailes and anybody who’d cut his taxes. I don’t often agree with him, and Le Batard’s knee-jerk Cuban exile stance about normalizing…
Perhaps they’re in agreement with the Fuhrer’s policies, and you’re asking them to stop drinking beer or listening to country music. Assuming anybody drawn to that line of work would ever read Jezebel or run into this point of view, in his or his daily web meanderings, is a leap. These are Trump voters doing Trump’s…
No, backwards Iowa and New Hampshire insisting on being first in line to pick our presidents is selfish. And these recent “traditions” have had a big hand in the downward spiral of American leadership. California is right. Go, take Oregon and Washington and Hawaii with you. Time to start over, let the rubes finish…
No, backwards Iowa and New Hampshire insisting on being first in line to pick our presidents is selfish. And these recent “traditions” have had a big hand in the downward spiral of American leadership. California is right. Go, take Oregon and Washington and Hawaii with you. Time to start over, let the rubes finish…
Post UVa loss comedown. ND is a top three in the ACC program this year. Top 4 at the worst.
Did she get granny to change her will? Yet?
This is what a coup looks like, for those unfamiliar with the optics. A belligerent, armed minority, aided by outside (foreign) actors/powers, seizes control. They intimidate the majority into “normalizing” the process, create an alternate band-wagon of popularity reality, and stay on message. And we’re to bend over…
Hey, it worked in Orlando! I see almost as many black fans at MLS games as I see at minor league hockey games. Baby steps. Baby steps. $150 million baby steps.
So...impatience is your rationale for breaking the law and breaking the business model? Golly. I see why this place is a “Free Chelsea Manning” hotspot.
Go to any flea market in rural America. Ask your mechanic how he watches movies. It’s not just anarchistic Assange loving tech nerds. Law and Order deplorables are all about piracy.
A lot of people who break big laws get depressed and suicidal in prison. She wants sex change surgery from those imprisoning her for just cause? Um. No. Not a defensible move on any grounds. Any quid pro quo with Assange adds to the stench of this.
Podcasts are all well and good, but they require a start-to-finish investment in time and setting (a place to listen). Any chance you could post your scripts under a link? Unless, of course, this is paid placement/content and that would defeat the purpose. Quite agree with you on “Centurion.” Late Empire and early…
July 3, 1863.
Whoa, more honor and class than Bill O’Reilly? Who knew?
Misleading headlines on both the originally reported story and this aggregation of it. No, it didn’t belong to Anne Frank who wasn’t imprisoned and killed in Sobibor, home of the most famous concentration camp uprising. The link is non-existent until they prove otherwise.
And now “Trump was bullied” has become a thing. Ben “Volunteered to be First in Line for the Oven” Stein is parroting it on Der Fuhrer News. Thanks, Zoe. Maybe a few stop and frisks will change your mind.
Good job explaining the precedent-breaking log-rolling here. Stay on them. No doubt looking into the judge’s connections, political affiliations, etc. is plan C. As it should be.
“Identity politics” doesn’t have to be the “What about us?” turnoff it has become to straight white people. You want to reach Red and Purple State disaffected whites? Elevate age discrimination in the conversation. Laid off and unable to get a job interview because employers equate “experience” with “too expensive/too…