
And as Skeffles just reminded me, Paul Haggis was the director. He was deep in Scientology at the time and spearheaded Crash as a project that he would essentially have total control of because he was Story, Screenwriter, Director, & Producer. Control Freak cultie at the helm of big egos & known abusers, all

WOW! I hadn’t put 2 +2 together before that Paul Haggis of ex-Scientology fame is the director of crash. He was still in the church when he made Crash. I will now bet $1Billion it was Crash that was the most miserable experience ever.

Sexy fireWOMAN. GEEZ! That outfit is totes functional. /s

Replying to self to clarify that Method Acting is not even a hint of excuse for treating people poorly. I only meant that I have seen actors and actresses use the Method as an excuse for their own bad behavior. “My character is a racist and I have to embrace that and really LIVE it to understand it.”

That movie was WAY more than “about 10 years ago.”

I bet it was Crash. Everyone in that movie was playing fairly miserable characters. Method Acting + miserable characters can turn ugly off camera pretty fast.

I had been on Depo Provera for 15 years, so we just stopped that, and slowly things came back. The lack of libido didn’t start though until I had already been on it for over a decade, so it was not something we suspected was the cause of the problem. Then I had the new problem of having a libido and not being on birth

I suspect this is really only being marketed as a way to recoup R&D costs on a failed product. “Whelp, not effective as an anti-depressant, what other ailments are out there that don’t have treatment? Lets try that one!” I highly doubt that this one was even as serendipitous as Viagra which was being tested as a

It’s totally a thing, and like with so many of the mental health ailments, I think we have to trust that when the afflicted person says it’s a problem, we need to believe them because what is “normal” vs “a problem” is usually a matter of degrees. I think MOST people may have a week, or a month with no desire, and

I kinda think that there should be extra-stringent efficacy requirements for drugs that are on their 3rd, 4th, 5th attempts at getting approval for wildly different conditions. Is any drug company actually going to take a denial on something they have spent many years and billions of dollars developing? NOPE. They

I can’t speak for loads of women, but yes it can be a real problem. I had a 3 YEAR period of my life where I would literally recoil from any kind of physical contact. It had nothing to do with the circumstances of my life; like stress, or health, or relationship status. I was sexually frustrated myself, even doing

Yep, my husband did not believe me when I warned him of Kum ‘n’ Go before our first trip back to meet the family. He was totally convinced I was making it up, so of course we had to stop at one so he could get a t-shirt. What I didn’t warn him about, was the Tastee Inn & Out which he had to do a triple take when he

The Truth and Mate are well-meaning, slightly overwhelming apologies.

It probably depends on the sensitivity of the person sleeping later. My husband and I have schedules that fluctuate, so some days he’s up first, some days I’m up first. Some days one or the other of us doesn’t need to be up at all and will sleep in. We are both light enough sleepers that it will wake us up when we

It probably depends on the sensitivity of the person sleeping later. My husband and I have schedules that fluctuate,

Yep. I was specifically thinking about how according to google the first step in fixing ANY Android issue is to root the device. I would much rather grandma just call me first, rather than have to deal with explaining how she was the cause of her shiny new brick.

I think the magic ingredient is an appropriate bullshit filter. Anyone can plug some words into google, but there are lots and lots of people who don’t know how to spot bullshit results that are going to make their problem worse and not better.

I’m an accountant. Word has gotten around my office that I am “good with computers” too. Last week my boss’ boss called me from his lunchtime constitutional because his streaming radio stopped working on his iphone and he wanted me to fix it for him over the phone. I have not owned an Apple product post 1990, so it

He looks to me like the love child of Josh Duggar and John Gosselin. Just ew! Total backpfeifengesicht.

They haven’t been paying attention. A franchisee here started sponsoring an actual gay pride event in Manchester, NH in 2012 while these people were too busy stuffing their faces with bigot chicken to notice a rogue franchisee.

It think there are a couple factors that are leading Leah to be more gentle about her exit than some people expected, especially after the stories in Going Clear. I think to a certain extent, Leah is still trying to talk to the people still in the church and walking a fine line of being critical of the church, but no

JLo’s father is still in Scientology, so she has her own personal experiences with the church. As a bit of an interesting point of hypocrisy, David Lopez has been photographed with Leah Remini as recently as March of this year, but has not been forced to disconnect from Jennifer in direct conflict with church policy.