
Yeah, for the first time in history SNL stole an idea and made it SHORTER!

Just feel good about the parent corp. then. Fox News isn't looking to oust him, 21st Century Fox is. It's not a huge separation, but you might be able to take solace in it.

I still find trickery more acceptable than whining. Had Mitch concocted a scheme and pulled it off, that'd be one thing. But just strong arming everyone until he got his way was grating by the end.

I'm going to be obnoxious and correct your spelling of Coen. Cohen is the surname of the writer of Garfield: The Movie.

As far as production is concerned, guest interviews are probably the most time consuming part of the show. You have to get them to set, put them through hair and makeup, have a pre-interview, deal with whatever bullshit needs are on their rider, and then actually record the interview.

Yeah, I'm fine when he reacts to jokes with the rest of the audience and he cuts through that. But when Colbert is in the middle of telling a joke, I don't want a play by play reaction from Jon.

He's probably the only guest that can burn Mitch like that with little to no retaliation from Mitch.

People also tend to ignore that Breaking Bad was largely written on the fly. It just worked out in the end and fans were happy.

Somebody posted this article from our sister site 17 years ago that encapsulates my feelings toward this show.

I'm late to say this, but Gilly's Eiffel Tower pun was fantastic.

Somebody else made this comment on his in-studio appearance, but I can't get "John Hodgman is Paul F. Tompkin's best character" out of my brain when he talks.

To be fair, Mitch trying to bring a burger into a chicken fight was equally as bullshit. Plus, McNuggets aren't real food. Pupeyes deserved that win.

The more consonants in a word, the funnier it is when Schmidt shouts it.

Just checked IMDB. The writer (Berkley Johnson) has been on the New Girl writing team since season 1 and their first "written by" credit was for Season 1 episode 6 "Thanksgiving."

Don't forget Fargo starts up only a couple weeks after Legion ends.

I think jeans is the cover story. In reality he wasn't wearing any pants. Just a blazer with some boxers.

I scrolled just a hair too far earlier and ended up in a comment section about Marco Rubio instead of the Mad Men article I was actually reading.

"Are you telling me that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES doesn't have a vaccine?!"
*cut to President Mike Pence's funeral*

The original "America First" campaign.

Yeah, gangsters are white sometimes. Don't want to alienate the Corleone family.