Community already did that to "Come on Eileen" for me with the "Come on I'm Dean" song.
Community already did that to "Come on Eileen" for me with the "Come on I'm Dean" song.
Am I the only one getting the vibe that both shows are commenting on how formulaic they are and are just contrasting the differences between them with a slightly meta look at their different styles of comedy.
They record it at the Meltdown, which I'm pretty sure Nerdist owns.
Well it's a bit unfair to the other 200+ people who worked on the film who weren't accused of sexual assault. It is a very collaborative effort and it would suck for the film to be sullied by the actions of one person.
This is probably my most anticipated premiere of 2014. I'm always amazed at how much mileage I've gotten out of seasons 1-3 and can't wait for what season 4 brings.
"Is Gillian likeā¦ do people get it confused with a numerical amount?"
"Like 10?"
That exchange got the biggest guaff of the episode.
That reminded me a lot of him and Stewart dialing phones on The Daily Show.
That joke killed me because the kitchen I used to work in made it a requirement to say that as you passed behind someone.
I still catch myself doing it.
So I don't keep up with HIMYM, but I've noticed a huge disconnect with how this season has been graded and what I've experienced as the popular opinion of the season.
Is it pretty much accepted that Scott changed the name to Comedy Bing Bong? I've only heard him call it Bang Bang in the commercials.
The episode of Archer where he thinks he's Bob is perfect evidence of this. Hearing Bob's voice come out of Archer's mouth was a little unsettling.
I'm secretly hoping it's because they're switching back to Fridays. But it's probably because of Thanksgiving.
Yeah, but they've been running with the "Last Time Lord" for 8 years now. I think a search for Gallifrey is a good change of pace.
Don't forget about Polk. The President that nobody ever remembers.
Terry Crews is sort of like an angrier, blacker Chris Traeger.