You once said 'There are more important things in life than football" (Paraphrased) What's(are) the most important thing(s) in life?
You once said 'There are more important things in life than football" (Paraphrased) What's(are) the most important thing(s) in life?
made the today show…
So its ok for people to rail on about causes Deadspin agrees with, but someone pointing out that a multi-millionaire is fathering & abandoning children as a habit, partly leading to one of them being beaten to death, and Deadspin finds it laughable and out of touch. Ok....
As usual, Tom Ley is the WORST.
thank you. the exact reason i wouldnt make that point anywhere but anonymously on a website. With friends? Not worth it, unless I want them to think I am ok with rape for the rest of our friendship. Mob mentality is a wacky thing.
I feel like we learn nothing from our past witch hunts. Its very possible that everything this girl said is true. But isn't it also entirely, equally possible this girl (as many teenagers due) got too drunk with an older boy, blacked out, made a bad decision, and then later got dropped off at her house only to pass…
How many of these happened mid play while live action was still occurring? Oh zero? So basically you're just being the same massive troll you always are? Oh ok.
C'mon. I was as annoyed with the Braves sanctimony as the next guy this year, but the Puig bat flip, double arm raise on a ball inside the park? That was next level obnoxious. That's like a guy celebrating mid play in the NFL, we SHOULD crucify that. If not for any reason other than he could have scored.
Only a hack writer would put this loss on Tony Romo. His team gave up 50+ points! The interception he threw was an incredible diving play by the defender. He was freaking masterful yesterday.
Get off this guys fucking back. Could he be more respectful in how he is expressing his opinions? So his views are different than yours! SO WHAT! Get over yourself, Deadspin, you aren't the dictator of all that is right and you are fucking embarrassing yourselves. My God this is one the most close-minded,…
If the point of this lawsuit was to help fund the ongoing health bills of the afflicted, it would stand to reason that any money diverted to families of those players already deceased would be outside the scope of the lawsuit. As I understood it, the purpose of this lawsuit was not for compensatory or punitive…
Other than the last line, which was pretty stupid, this was his best article I have read in a while. I actually think I've flipped back to the other side of this issue because of it. I took people's word for it that "Redskins" is offensive. He does a pretty good job showing that plenty of American Indians disagree.
Gosh! A point of view different than our own! Quick!! CONDEMN!!!!! It's been said before and I'll say it again:
He's a monster because he's religious? Yeap. That pretty much sums up the condescending intellectual elite mindset. Well done.
From your description, I expected a disaster. This arguably wasn't even bad. It was an average panel discussion, nothing crazy. What is this website's problem with FoxSports1? Its so odd how badly they don't want it to work.
How dare they not cater to! It is your god given right for them to tell you everything!! Get over yourselves, they owe you nothing.
Or actually no? Just cargo shorts...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the first two things. The fact that you blurb quote them as if they are some sort of damning witness testimony is hilarious. The third thing is weird, but wouldn't be surprised if it was exaggerated to some extent. These players seemed like they were on a witch hunt.
Andy, stop undercutting him because you disagree with him. Barkley absolutely nails it here. The shit people were spewing after this trial was so off base and really damaging to America, more so than the event itself. As a black person of significance it is HUGE Barkley shows there's another way to go.
Honestly. This is exactly the time of trolling Deadspin does on a daily basis. Nitpicking athletes and public figures for perceived improprieties. If this isn't 'news' then neither are half of the posts on Deadspin.