
@Rontourage: Seriously, I thought she was a robot. The way she looked at the camera, then tilted her head like a robot would, crazy.

@MifuneT: I absolutely loved Lila. It might have had something to do with having a thing for girls and that accent.

@Lawson Culver: From my understanding it's not harmful. If it is, it sure as hell beats that tobacco crap. I'll take smelling and inhaling second hand weed smoke over tobacco any day of the week.

@toyster17: Wow..weird. I guess I inadvertently found my old account. Giz supposedly couldn't find any record of it but there it is. I knew I wasn't crazy!

@blyan-reloaded: Please don't let your fanboyism cloud your judgement. Compare both 3g devices and you'll see the Tab to be cheaper. Sure the iPad base price is $500, fine, Samsung already stated they will release a wifi only version soon. I'll take a wild guess and say it'll probably be $500 or cheaper. Smaller DOES

My HP laptop has the defective card (8400M GS) but yet the model isn't listed. That's crap.

@gtig: That's the problem, that everyone always says "I have nothing to hide." So what if you don't, look at the bigger picture which is protecting your rights. You might believe in this instance that you'll give up your rights for a bit of safety, but I promise you you won't always be singing that tune. Heck, when I

I believe the name of the processor is actually "Scorpion."

@Kat Hannaford: Hmm. Did you try just slipping it into your pocket?

@Alicemagic: hmmm. His outlandish comment seems to be working. All part of the plan.

@Curves: Responsible? How so? Does someone need to hold my hand while I comment?

I swear I'm about to shank someone if they don't approve my comment. Compared to some of the comments I've seen, I know mine are definitely not worse.

@Squalor: IDK, there's a few girls I know who I wouldn't mind peeing in my pool. Ha.

@Gary_7vn: Now you don't have to hear that racket coming from the cards.

Anyone kind enough to share a Demonoid code? :P

@cgraham558: I was at the gym today and this guy was sitting in a bathroom stall on the phone. As he heard me come in he lowered his voice, I was a bit embarrassed for the guy so while I was using a urinal I flushed repeatedly as to create some noise. I always do this anyway so no one will hear my stream or I won't