Volvo 850R wagon
Volvo 850R wagon
So...also like the BMW X6!
Let’s suppose he sued the city for injuries and I was on the jury. He wouldn’t get a dime—live by the sword, die by the sword.
Just a few days ago, up in Albany, some moron driving an ATV on a pedestrian path hit a student, and now she’s in the hospital in a coma with a TBI. Alexa Kropf, University at Albany student from Floral Park, in medically induced coma after hit-and-run - Newsday
Agreed. Bad take on Jalopnik’s part to suggest that the ATV driver running through a bunch of cyclists and pedestrians was the more desirable outcome than hitting a stopped police car. This isn’t exactly the trolley problem, because one of the outcomes is measurably worse than the other.
A lot of ATV and dirt bikers illegally ride on hiking/biking singletrack trails in my area. And I hope every single one of these bastards suffer the same fate, whether it’s caused by cops or not.
If you were going too fast to avoid a stopped car, you were going too fast to avoid a pedestrian. I’m good with this one.
Jalopnik by no measure counts as “the news media”. They’re mostly a regurgitator at best.
“If brute force isn’t working, you just aren’t using enough”
Taycan it to the limit
“The 4 is still standing!”
Holy shit what in the actual fuck did I just read?
ok heres the ting take a corner at 35 or 45racing had a blow out sled into the crub hit 2 fents 2 burshes 4 brick and a trash can but anywho now I have a load cam knock it sounds like but I’m not sure my oil pan may have got pushed back alittle so I dont know if my oil pump got damgaed and itsn’t get oil to the top of…
They’ve mostly moved on to Chargers.
I’m going to go with maybe a surprising choice: Subarus. And not even ones that have performance mods. In my area (New England), just the regular old Forrester. You know that series of commercials where it shows multiple families (usually with dad driving) almost dying because of distracted driving, but they are saved…
1. BMW 320i. They’re more than 3 years old now so every one on the road is owned not leased. They’re idiots because either they bought a car with a terrible engine on a rental-spec base car for the badge, or because they didn’t do their research and realize they could have bought a 328 with the exact same engine but…