
Earliest car I can remember my dad driving was about a 1967 plymouth. I remember it having lots of open rust holes, and at one point he actually repainted it gold with a roller brush, you could actually see the bits of roller foam stuck to the surface.. Worst looking car ever. His next car wasn't much better (orange

Come on, no reference to the barenaked ladies?

The check engine light is probably on because the car isn't started yet (don't all cars have a check engine light when it's on accessory, because the car knows the battery is being drained), duh!

Most ham equipment (portable kind) is extremely efficient (like 1/8 of a watt). Also, it's not like you can use more than one radio at a time (not much power drawn for listening, just transmitting) However, most hams like to use 30 year old heavy trunk systems that suck power, so who knows how much power he's drawing.

This is all pretty simple if you think about it. People from the future can't come back to our time until the first time machine is created, because that would create a parodox. How can someone travel back in time with a time machine, if in that time they don't exist (IE aren't invented). Someone has to invent it,

@FrankGrimes: Trying going to, like the first line says in quotes above

Sure to be 'not legal' in most states unless it's red/amber/white colored.