
What to drive if you’re wearing a tuxedo or carrying a shotgun, or both.

There’s also the fact that it was a hell of a lot easier to get an old farm truck out of a snowbank than a bricked four-plus ton EV.

Chase Merrill is a 24-year-old living in the snowy Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York. He figured the $85,626 SUV would make a perfect replacement for his 2015 Ford Edge...

Most Rivian owners are head over heels for their vehicles”

Dude’s named after two banks so eff him.

I think there is a benefit. But I think there is a better way to do this.


1st Gear: This scares the snot out of me.

I was wondering, “why bother?”. Then it…..clicked.

Oh, you know, it’s already a best-seller... When you’re sailing a 40-foot leisure ship, even under sail you don’t expect the forty-twelve-thousand-ton tanker to give you the priority you’ve got (theoretically) - or otherwise you’re already at the bottom of the ocean.

Meanwhile, everyone else is brushing up on this book;

This is the dumbest fucking idea.

I’m shocked, shocked i tell you, that the deadbeat scumbags whose cheaping out on safety caused this crash are now cheaping out on safety in the cleanup. Who could have seen that coming?

and yet, cities have no trouble putting parking meters up 

Come on folks, it was all just a big yoke. They’re sorry for steering people in the wrong direction. 

Yes, een Frons evairee theeng weeth chargairs eez, how you say? {lights cigarette with butt of previous cigarette} perfect. Eet’s terrible! {waves cigarette in circles in the air} Weeth theengs so good, we are bereft of ennui! You wood not undairstand. You have no {takes deep drag off cigarette, blows it on your lunch}

“probably one of the most successful items in the Tesla Shop.”

Ref: vegetable trees?

You should carry a copy of the Constitution in your car. Then when you get the “Do you have anything in the car I should know about?”, you can hand it to the cop and say “this, apparently.”