That Mitsu is just a Dakota, which is fine. The ugliest iteration of Dakota, also fine. *Might* be the only one that doesn’t rate a ND rating either. 2WD ain’t awesome though...
That Mitsu is just a Dakota, which is fine. The ugliest iteration of Dakota, also fine. *Might* be the only one that doesn’t rate a ND rating either. 2WD ain’t awesome though...
I looked at the Dodge Tradesmen ad.
It’s always a bit telling when something has a Black history month theme and doesn’t include the USA. There’s quite a bit of Black history here, whether or not a certain government party wants to admit that. There was even a multi-year war that had this one flag that a bunch of current Americans are still really big…
Those women above in the photo are in New Zeeland.
It’s also a bit rich coming from an organization that seems so friendly with Saudi Arabia and other morally corrupt entities.
not surprising considering how much richer the rich got the past couple of years
If the trunk is full of Pimm’s and sausage I may have to reconsider my ND vote. Nope, still ND
If you mean the air suspension, it’s pretty inexpensive to maintain, really.
That just means more parts for my Cadillac Cimarron EV conversion.
Tesla‘s vehicles have been found to shut off the advanced driver-assistance system, Autopilot, around one second before impact, according to the regulators.
As a teen of the 90s, we staunchly defended this creep’s version of artistry. Just because someone had a violent, Satanic, stage persona did not make him a bad guy. We all felt so cool and grownup that we got this esoteric concept.
FWIW Tesla plays the numbers game where if the car detects it’s about to crash, it will disengage autopilot in the second or two before collision and they get to claim “it was a crash with Autopilot off!”
The “headlight streaks” (for lack of a better term) should not stop at the door cut line. It’s a bit jarring. They should stop before the door.
I love the exterior. Gorgeous. The interior looks like a shower from an early 90’s tract house.
I don’t know why I would bother trying to contribute to the anti-EV cesspool that is jalopnik, but these fires are largely due to the unstable chemistry of NMC lithium ion batteries.
This year will see the mass production of 200 wh/kg LFP cells and maybe endof 2023 or 2024 we’ll see 230 wh/kg LFP lithium ion cells.…
Is the new stuff on cars really Chrome? I thought it was just a shiny plastic chrome look alike.
1st Gear: Manchin is a piece of entitled, self-interested crap who should be forced to sit out any vote that he has a conflict of interest in, as should every politician. Will that cause gridlock? Maybe, but at least there will be some accountability.