I’ve got a good example: The Last of Us.
I’ve got a good example: The Last of Us.
Never liked them myself when they released, but I eventually came to like them and picked up a 2014 BEV CPO with just 12k miles in late 2017 and its been an amazing car. Great for me to zip around town in and take out into Sacramento which is about 25 miles from where I am. Like you said, a lot of people think they…
This photo is from an alternate universe where BMW built good looking cars.
Excuse me whilst I furrow my brow at having oil lines anywhere near a knuckle.
I agree with this 100%. My 2000 BMW 540it has 206k miles, and at this point all the potential trouble spots have been taken care of: the chain guides have been done, the transmission has been serviced, the suspension has been completely replaced, the rear air struts have been replaced, the cooling system has been…
Solid and dashed lines indicate when it is acceptable to use as a passing lane or turn lane. These types of roads are mostly country roads so left hand turns aren’t in every block. Might be miles before the next turn.
It’s more than a little confusing. Does this mean the 4 or more lane first rule is referring to 4 lanes in one direction or two lanes in one direction?
The range is 240 miles on the WLTP cycle, iirc.
The heat is sourced from the ambient air, and concentrated by a heat pump. They were talking about 2 to 3 KW of heating, using about 500W of power to get it.
Somebody better tell him cloaking devices vere banned by the Treaty of Algeron.
I’ve been sitting here, reading replies, and trying to understand this. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:
On slick surfaces, standard brake bias is actually BAD brake bias. By default, most vehicles are heavily biased towards the front. On slick surfaces, the fronts can’t do anywhere close to as much braking as…
This solidifies my opinion that Anker is everything The Sharper Image whishes it was.
This solidifies my opinion that Anker is everything The Sharper Image whishes it was.
This comment is 100% proof of the need for a downvote system on Kinja.
I have an iPhone 6s, and it turns out I have one of the defective ones were Apple will replace the battery for free. I avoided it though, because my 6s worked fine, that was until about the 2 year mark, and then it would unexpectedly shut down, and I would have to plug it in for a second to turn it back on. The issue…
Rust is a bigger issue that spinny bits. My son has an ‘86 that has horrible skirt rust, but the rest of it is structurally sound and it runs great. And holy shitballs, is it fun to drive. I had no idea. It’s like Mario Cart with real vroomy noises. Banana peels whenever you want them with a quick jab of the right…
Gotta downsize the rims, too. You’ll want taller sidewalls for winter anyway. If they clear the brakes/suspension components I’d go go down to 17" rims and tires.
Look, no matter if you are talking about a starship or a modern day naval ship, there is only one active helm location at any one time. At the helm, you can control the engines and the course of the vessel. All the other crew functions include lookouts, system monitors, navigation (for complex courses), engine room…
It might be worthwhile contacting Amazon Customer Support. They just may retroactively honor the deal on a previous purchase. It never hurts to ask.
It might be worthwhile contacting Amazon Customer Support. They just may retroactively honor the deal on a previous…