
Wait — Stabler died?! What?! Plz inform me of whahappened. I am not a TV'ed person at the moment...

@onestrawplz: My dad was that single dad. He had to get my underpants for me because I wouldn't do it. Most of the time I wore boys anyway but not past fourth or fifth grade.

@Mantid: Me too. My dad made me go on diets with him. He was trying to lose and wanted me to lose as well, since I was an overweight kid. I still have trouble with 'fat content in food = universally bad' brainwashing.

@Tirannie: Ugh. Elaine must be related to Nicole, who made fun of me hardcore for wearing BVDs in fourth grade. I can still hear her on the schoolyard — "why are you wearing BOY'S UNDERWEAR?!" Funny thing was, she was pretty butch herself...

OMG boobs. Welll... I was kind of an overweight kid so I started getting what looked like breasts pretty early on... I must have been 9 or so. But I was short-haired and going by a boy's name so nobody mentioned them — that I remember. I passed as a boy most of the time from fourth through mid sixth grade, and I

Instead of the period excuse, how about pre-period cramps? A mysterious stomach ache?

Oh, Jez, how I miss you, but oh, how I loathe the re-design... Sigh.

Are you sure they didn't offer generic enough personal info that you could just think it's someone you know? Internet fuckers do that kinda thing...


Ugh. Am sitting around with sort-of racist family members. That whole anti-affirmative action 'it's reverse racism!' argument, 'most [insert ethnic group here] people are lazy' comments are abounding. The favorite at the moment? 'Most criminals in jails are black, and it's not because the whites are putting them

@Ash_Teej: DJ: "Darlene called me a 'prevert.'"

While I disagree that this kind of name-calling/criticism doesn't have bullying elements, if the statements were A) not on a school-sponsored or school-related Facebook page, B) not done at school and C) not a threat to someone's life and limb, the school shouldn't be able to punish the kid. How is it "cyberbullying"

I dunno. While I find the prepubescent look really freaky, I get the cleanliness/access/no visible hairs angle. But for the young teens, I wonder — do they have insecurities about their newly acquired "hair down there?" Do they just think it's weird and awkward and want it out of the way so they can go on with their

While I'm not a fan of these dolls at all, I can't help but see the similarities between the argument that their fans will end up harming actual women and the idea that people who play violent video games will go out and kill for real. Sure, there are a few who will, but statistically, just how many? Crazies will be

@Stephanie Muñoz-Viamontes: That woman sounds A) all kinds of ignorant — what aide doesn't know the leg of something their boss is supporting, just for starters! and B) all kindsa cray-cray!

Isn't "forcible rape" redundant?

@Ivriniel: What a great video and site!

@ChildBride: Yes, yes, love that film! So great that someone else has seen it!