
WTH is up with everyone on here like “I wonder what would have happened if person was x and the other was x” JFC this is racism. We all know it. The child was suspended because he’s black. Quit pretending like there’s some other fucking reason.

As a white woman and a feminist I’m gonna go ahead and say yes, all white women. All white women, including feminists, have expressed racism or passively and knowingly accepted the benefits of racism at some point in their lives. We live in and benefit from a racist society, so yeah. All white women. If you don’t want

You’re basically saying the same thing men say about women all they type in situations: women are manipulative liars, etc... I would agree that suspension seems a bit much, but you think that the correct response would be to tell a young girl that she doesn’t deserve to be believed if she feels threatened by a man?

What do you want to bet the girl’s parents are healthy money raisers/givers? I spent 12 years in Catholic school and I know how that shit works. The more money parents funneled to the school, the more perks the student got.

All of them? All white women do this?

It’s not odd to capitalize those words in my line of work (sociological writing).

As I said to someone else, I believe the boys story because the girl seems like the type to lie to get others in trouble.

So is Ann Coulter fyi.

Here’s a better question: why do you capitalize the w in “white” every time? I’ve seen your comment history and you do the same thing with the b in “black.” It’s odd.

“The girl seems like the type”.

Why must the White girl/woman always be believed? Why is it assumed that they are always telling the truth?

Tacking the word “white” in front of any generalizing rant about women doesn’t make you not a misogynist bigot.

No wonder White women are so entitled and oblivious yet they have the gall to complain about sexism but have no problem dishing out racism.

The boy says that they were. Who knows if the girl realized it was a staring contest. What should of happened is the teacher should have pulled them aside and explained his staring was making the other student uncomfortable and had him aplogize and move on.

It sounds like a teacher put words in her mouth - “are you scared of that boy staring at you? Or are you going to get into trouble too?” kind of thing. I’ve seen teachers do it all the time :/ And of course the kid answers “yeah I’m scared!”

The things that White women/girls get away with are astounding. No wonder White women are so entitled and oblivious yet they have the gall to complain about sexism but have no problem dishing out racism.

Why was she scared if they were having a staring contest? Why was she scared ANYWAY they’re just a bunch of kids in school?

LOL yup. This is what Feminism™ is all about. White Grrl privilege.

Could have been worse. Remember the last black kid disciplined for looking at a white girl?

The best thing about Jez lately is how progressively grumpy Madeleine Davies has been getting. I love it.