
I know we are all supposed to be laughing at her but, the UN council on online harassment of women said the exact same thing as Candace did. I mean if the UN agrees with her, then she has to be right.

Wow that is some victim blaming bullshit. am I on Jezebel or reddit right now?

Hamm and Gosling didn’t beat their girlfriends they were just incredibly shitty towards them constantly cheating on them and yelling at them, still not something you think of when you hear some guy is a feminist

Personally I feel it’s sort of fucked up that they prosecute the bartenders.

It depends on the definition of the shootig but actually most mass shootings occur in places like Detroit or Chicago and you can probably guess the rest. Ironically because the news doesn’t give a shit about non-white people most people don’t hear about all the killings that happen which means we get a different

He’s mostly white though, I don’t know why one non white parent means we were completely wrong

Nope the girl was in LA when she started shooting up the school, it 9s pretty odd how all the school shooters in the 80s were women and then switched to all men after that

Did you see this kids picture, he would have been beaten by place he was so black. He is the same shade as Shaun King and police still fucked with that guy

I’d rather deal with this tha. Hurricane Joaquin. Don’t know why we give such intimidating names to hurricane anyway. You think we would have learned our lesson after Katrina

So are we just going to avoid the fact that Fassbender beat his girlfriend a few years ago?

Don’t be transphobic