
Pan? Surely you mean sea shell. For that ‘authentic’ paella experience.

Pan? Surely you mean sea shell. For that ‘authentic’ paella experience.

Just putting pineapple on a pizza does not make a Hawaiian Pizza

I like spicy foods, but if you don’t I don’t really think there’s a need to make yourself like them. I also, for example, don’t like Onions. I’m sure I could just make myself eat more and I could like them enough. But I don’t really feel the need to.

Did we expect something else from a show that billed itself as being about controversial topics?

They’re also very interesting to hear about from people who are convinced. May I suggest The Higherside Chat podcast.

I can cook a pretty good salmon, but it’s nothing special. Filet, skin on, put a soy sauce, EVOO, lemon juice glaze on it. Bake in oven. Crisp skin on stove top.

Black Plague is really good. Blood Rage has great reviews. One is Coop and the other is competitive so decide based on that.

Black Plague is really good. Blood Rage has great reviews. One is Coop and the other is competitive so decide based

I mean having more baskets and hampers is really convenient though.It lets me throw my whites in a white basket, my dress clothes in a dress basket, my jeans and towels in a basket, My heap of T-Shirts in a basket. Then when any given basket is full I know I need to wash it.

I should go with Greed guy right? He seems the most reliable. He just wants me to buy his books so I can learn how to make money. Presumably by selling books.

I mean I can tell you what I use.

Yeah, I’m occasionally that guy. Ordering the Appetizer. Ragging on my buddy for not eating all his food. But it’s all in good fun and my fat ass takes his shirt off at the pool.

Step 1 of meditating is definitely don’t play with your phone.

I feel like your method is a bit more complex than it needs to be. Just put 1 part rice and 2 parts water in the pot and boil it, lid on, stirring occasionally. Around 20 minutes. A lot of leeway on the time if you use a teflon/nonstick pot. Otherwise keep an eye on it in case the bottom burns onto the pot.

Yeah, it’s more of a human condition thing.

I mean that works for binge-ing shows, but we’re talking about watching weekly series as they air right now.

Yeah, the lack of multiple back is really the killer there.

Went for red thinking that. There are red cars all over the place. Should’ve gone purple

I have fond memories of my family’s purple Geo Tracker.

I have fond memories of my family’s purple Geo Tracker.

Was messaging with this girl on an online dating site. Told her to call me when she got the chance. About 10 minutes later I got a call from an awkward girl and we talked for about 20 minutes when I brought up something we had messaged about, which she had no idea about.