Still not illegal.
Still not illegal.
It’s a hell of a time to be alive, baby!
Illegal? No. Immoral? Yes.
Obviously alcohol is racist. It needs to be banned.
Ha! Man, the far-left nutcases never cease to be amusing. Can’t wait for the update that penalizes you for playing a straight, white guy.
Good. At the end of the day, he’s just a product of his environment. Why should he be incarcerated?’re just promiscuous.
Meh, I don’t see a problem. I guess everything is an issue when enough beta soy-boys bitch about it.
Pontiac Aztek
Replace Ryan with Obama, and this is still spot-on! Well done, sir!
Equality is a two-way street. Feminism has forgotten that.
Please tell us how you truly feel?
Comey is a scumbag.
Read the EULA. Most companies include a few statements about monitoring.
Perhaps if they had just bought a small coffee all would be well, but I guess it’s too much to ask for people to have personal responsibility.
Run, neckbeard! Run!
It’s fine to not mention DeTora, since this story is about Estephan specifically. If the story was about women in MTG as a whole, then DeTora should be included.
Considering how many Native Americans owned black slaves, you’d assume black people would be fine with it.
It’s fine to not mention DeTora, since this story is about Estephan specifically. If the story was about women in MTG as a whole, then DeTora should be included.
Meth or coke?