insert comment here>

Considering how many Native Americans owned black slaves, you’d assume black people would be fine with it.

It’s fine to not mention DeTora, since this story is about Estephan specifically. If the story was about women in MTG as a whole, then DeTora should be included.

Sure, but why not have your own gay/non-humanoid “ships?” Why does everything in media needs to be turned? Why are people incapable of creating their own content? It comes across as being mean-spirited, and weak.

Meth or coke?

Good. It’s about time the black community takes responsibility and initiative.

“She can give blood. She just can’t tolerate the needle in her vein. She could give blood via a pin prick in her finger. She will submit to a urinalysis. She’s not trying to avoid being tested. She’s trying to avoid having a needle being stuck in her veins.”

People need to grow up.

“Overwatch Pro.” I never get tired of reading that. It’s pure comedy gold.

Meh, it’s still electric. Electric is bullshit.

Yeah, you show that trash can.

“I filed this lawsuit against my former employer today because I believe that Americans should not be forced to choose between their principles and their paychecks,”

Yeah, no.

Well, if someone waits several years, profits from their time in the industry despite the harassment, then claims how horrible it was for them, yes.

It’s great to see women making strides in typically male-dominated spaces.

TVXQ! is massively popular in Japan, where it’s known as Tohoshinki and releases music in Japanese

I prefer “shitlord.”

What if people actually stood up for themselves? Shocking.

Pretty much. If someone waits years to complain, it’s not really a crime.

She should never have apologized. Never show weakness in front of rabid SJWs. She should have kept attacking.

The witch hunt continues.