Too little, too late. The consumers should not be the fucking beta-testers.
Too little, too late. The consumers should not be the fucking beta-testers.
That YouTube video of the crotchety Leftist getting tossed off the plane for being rude to a Trump supporter is comedy gold. I could watch that all day.
Elk is pretty good.
I’ll bet it’s delicious.
Not true. It’s a small percentage of people. Mostly the whiny SJWs who aren’t happy unless the game features zero cis-white guys, or offers in-game options to kill them. Most people are complaining about the game, because it’s very bad.
It’s a shame Scalzi’s “work” isn’t pulled for ripping off every venerable scifi author under the sun.
The salt in here is real, baby. I fucking love it!
Too soon.
Hopefully they can do an age test as well. All of the “teenage” refugees with crow’s feet and gray hair should be adequately documented.
He’s probably right.
Still the greatest franchise ever.
McDonald’s is a shit company. Keep praising them, libtards.
The game has challenge. Deal with it.
Sometimes a joke is just a joke.
It wasn’t that bad of a joke. Sadly, the regressive Left is filled to the brim with dense SJW tools.
Principles, brochacho.
No, it sends the message of it being acceptable to over-promise to an extent that you come across as lying.
I no longer play it.
Meh, seems fine to me. Really, he could tweet “Happy Birthday” and you people would be pissed.