insert comment here>

I’m not sure what’s more hilarious, the stadium design, or your refusal to use the team’s proper name.

The issue isn’t that they have a fetish, it’s that people demand their fetish be accepted and put on a pedestal, and praised as being totally awesome and amazing. If someone says otherwise, they are immediately called a Nazi.

Oh, there were far, far more mistakes than that.

A flashy trailer cannot save this movie. It’s going to be compared to the original, and it will never live up to that.

Meh. I’m not interested. I see zero reason to remake a classic.

Good! She deserves it.

Ah, Shillary...having your finger on the pulse of the enxt generation since...never.

Does he truly need to be savvy with a computer?

All lives do matter.

Don’t movie-shame me. I’ll like whatever I like. Deal with it.

If an actor or actress of color plays a typically “white” character, it’s lauded as progressive. If the reverse happens, it’s whitewashing. Seems more like leftist hypocrisy.

Vote for the candidate that best represents your ideals and will benefit the nation the most, despite their reproductive organs.


Wise words indeed.

I see nothing wrong with this.

Well, if she consented, and still looks back fondly on it, I see nothing wrong. Seems to me some people are just jealous. Typical female privilege.

Looks like she wants to cash in again...and again...and again. She needs to check her privilege, and move on with life.

Meh, not really seeing anything terrible here.

My kids are going to freak out.

No one “owes” the media anything. Newton and company lost. Let them move on and regroup, rather than ask idiotic questions.