
Can you have a series dedicated to a daily Fyre Fest update? This is never not funny.

No, it means he’s calling him a whore. I don’t know Stephen Colbert on a personal level, but I am 100% sure he’s not homophobic. Cool attempt to gin up controversy though.

now i gotta go back and kill ganon in the tingle armor.

Nothing wrong with emotion. Passion is life.

If someone knows, please tell me, why do they keep announcing their projects just to have them shut down. Why not work on them until they are ready and release it anonymously?

Weird, I thought being rude and ignorant was a selling point for a conservative media personality.

Yeah. VW is taking the EV market by storm and Tesla will surely be all scared. Yes- maybe VW will have something in a few years.

Some people get a bang out of vaping.

Maybe he meant “there was debris on the road, after I crashed”?

...there was some debris on the road and the driver lost traction.

It will crush everything in the NHRA’s new ‘tow vehicle’ class.

I’m holding out for the 2019 Jeep Demonhawk.