
Because those are boring and uninspired?

It seems that Notch had a somewhat more drastic take on the Switch’s design:

Is it tiring having to couch every fucking thing in terms of liberals vs conservatives?

B+ on the bad armchair lawyer grading scale. If you’d gone over the top and invoked RICO you could have gotten an A. Too bad.

Yeah, welcome to the entertainment world. Using ideas other people first came up with is pretty much the standard since the dawn of the written word. We wouldn’t have most music, movies and books if that were the case. Don’t blame others for taking your idea and making it more entertaining.

January was the most fun month to be a Sixers fan in a decade in a half and it took like two weeks for Colangelo’s bullshit to erode a lot of that.

Is it bonkers fast though? It sounds great and is fun to drive but check out my MS Paint skillz bruh:

One of the annoying things about our system is that the President is both Head of State and Head of the Government. In many other countries, this role is split, where the Head of State does the ceremonial stuff and the Head of Government does the real work. (Queen of England/Prime Minister)

I was disappointed in Tim

Hello, ignorant American, I’m a Mexican citizen here to inform you that our incarceration and deportation policies over illegal immigrants differ little to your own and our people also have a serious problem with illegal immigrants from the south to our own country, because while not a rich country by far, a lot of

Not understanding is OK. It’s a pretty complex topic with many many layers. At face value, illegal immigration is wrong. Unfortunately it’s not that simple. For instance, I do a ton of work in the Central Valley of California. This is where a lot of our food comes from. It’s also a place where a lot of illegal

S.T.A.B. - Smile To make it All Better

A couple of points for perspective:

Well in 1891 Dr. James Naismith created a game using two peach baskets so rival gang members could settle their differences. Bill Simmons was on hand to document this historic moment and whine incessantly that none of these players could hold a candle to the 1986 Boston Celtics.

The “Senkakus” are a long way away from Japan and a hell of a lot closer to China and especially Taiwan. And this isn’t even a Falklands situation because they’re unpopulated. Still, both China and Taiwan consider them to be part of Taiwan (even while disagreeing what Taiwan is, politically).

Here is my (probably cockamamie) theory:

If you think cars run redlights as often as cyclists, I have a bridge in NYC I’d like you sell you

Especially when said cyclists only obey the road rules they want to, and run through red lights

This Bulls season has played out precisely how it was always going to play out. An overwhelmingly mediocre team led by Jimmy Butler, whose consistent growth into a viable go-to guy is outstripped and overshadowed by his complete inability to connect on a real level with any of his teammates or “lead” for more than a

Well I mean..with the release of DOAX 3VR, I would be lining up too.