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    when a game is so white they dont feel guilty at all not marketing to black people xD this game should get a diversity award if there is an african american within ten miles of it being played xD spike lee will never start a #gamesowhite for this one xD

    it s borderline racist. they think asians can have only one movie. these weebo are secretly mad they might have to learn another anime giving them more work to reapatriate asian culture. he needs to send the film makers a letter to say when asian films arent looking different enough for him to tell the difference.

    xD maybe ur over thinking xD is just a mobile game xD i think accidents and prison make you thin anyway

    really? i thought it was cool he looked so different. maybe we all look alike to you xD

    idk wut warhammer 40k woman is

    harambe lives

    beautiful lady, beautiful couple

    the heart wants what the heart wants

    years of botox

    that is a janet jackson song. i also recommend some choreography.

    harambe lives

    get good bruh

    it could have been a step in the right direction, but then we got the vita >.>

    y does ur podcast sound like an audiobook? why are u trying to make the internet boring? there are these things called pictures... have you heard of them? why are you a hippy? do you really expect to pay off your student loans this way? also why ae you trying to make the internet boring?

    classy.... prolly team valor

    get her outta here! out!

    if he didnt live in a flood zone someone might pay him to make a better game. "homage to road rash" xD i dont believe that to be a thing

    this is why we cant have nice things. he prolly team valor tbh.

    lol riot doesnt need them. riot cashed out a long time ago. tencent is collecting lol revenue now.