
Is it wrong that I think the Genesis looks good?

Unless the driver has already strapped the wheels to the cradle?

File size limits?

There is really no wrong way to Instagram yourself using a margarita pool.

Skipped to the bottom to ensure you would confirm for everyone once and for all that Philadelphia has the worst drivers in the country.

All I saw was:

This is hilarious.

7 X's; you must be a dirty dirty man.

Thanks dawg!

I'm not your dawg, Pal. Again, literally none of the page one results are relevant to your point. LMGTFY failure.

literally none of the page one results are relevant to your point. LMGTFY failure.

Any chance you'd make that RAW (or other type if high res) available to the likes of me?

LHD E28 M5's have to be all over the place in German, right? Where do I find one?

Go back to Deadspin.

XP was supported for damn near 13 years! Think about what has changed in the past 13 years, and then tell me that is nothing short of amazing. Windows 7 has another 5 years of support left, so I'm not sure why you are sending it out to pasture with XP. Like you said, business didn't move to Win8, so your point about

I just added my W2 to my tax return. I'm so glad that all of my dollars could be spent in such a rewarding way.

99 bucks is a steal. The non intro price has to be 500+, right?

In Philadelphia felony auto thievery plus recovered fingerprints of a known bad guy equals kicking fucking doors in with two swat teams. Why is Portland still building a case?

Wait. FCC fines are appealed to the FCC...?

I think it this idea is beaches and bimmers for Germans, dystopian ghettos for everyone else.