
Just another reason American is way more badass than Russia. When our crazy people climb tall shit, we bring acetylene and hardhats not skinny jeans and soul crushing depression.

No, no, no. Everyone knows they swap your useless paper "money" for gold.

That right there is your problem. Once a month is going to get you very little in the way of perks. You might earn enough for a free ticket every now and then, but that'll about it. You might as well not buddy up with any one airline.

Then you, my friend, are not a business traveler. Maybe you take a fancy aeroplane once or twice a year to go to a conference in Vegas? I'm talking real business travelers who spend 4 days a week at a client location, and fly 200+ segments a year. I dare you to show me one true business traveler who isn't in bed with

This is most certainly true for the rank and file cattle that get loaded last into steerage. This is also the group of "people" that Airlines care least about.

I hope they had that Car Max warranty....

Business travel is driven mostly by loyalty miles. If I ain't earning miles, I ain't on your plane.

Let's hope! But anytime we talk about adding a team of Government employees (with those sweet sweet pensions and lifetime benefits that we private sector suckers lost so many decades ago) to do something, it is never cheap.

I would have guessed my favorite part would be the QR code, but no. It's the flag pole holder bolted to the back. Fits in perfectly with the jungle camo motif. I've got the same one next to my front door.

Fair enough.

I'd bet that car smells amazing.

I do love Doug's tails of Range Rover woe, but this is feeling a lot like a Car Max ad. Which is fine, I would actually read this article even if it had the "sponsored" tag. You guys should get some dollars in return.

Speaking of options....why can't I get a heated seat that only heats the back? I don't want ass heat, but a nice lower/upper back heat would be swell.

We respectfully counter with Florida and 500 Billion dollars.

Is Gwaker going to issue one of these to Mr. George, Jalopnik's hardened criminal elite?

Except for that's not what happened today, nor can I remember a fighter shooting down a plane in response to (anything) an unexploded bomb.

I was gifted my second driving citation in my 18 years experience in the Commonwealth. I was in the right solid traffic...going 73 in a solid traffic. Cars everywhere. Unmarked police officer fought his way up through traffic to site me. The ticket literally said "Driving while from NJ".

All of that nonsense sounds like your opinion, man.

I'm looking for a clean E28 M5 as a project/weekend play thing. What are the odds they'll get the E30 M3 nutso levels of appreciation?