The unkempt doublewide; setting of choice for videos such as these.
One more.
I stand corrected. Loads of lust worthy cars from those decades.
I see no reason to go any older than the 88 M5.
Assuming you do own an M3, I would think you would be very familiar with the concept of depreciation.
touché salesman
That dude has cement fists.
As a 6MT equipped M5 (e39) driver: Yes, it can; but should it???
"Unlock This Car From The Outside With A Shoelace" is better.
You are missing the stream-it-to-all-my-toys part.
Awesome picture.
I don't see the dinosaurs.
Shit happens. Learn from it (this time) and move on.
uh, that would be Airfoil...
Spotify (insert your fav noise maker here) + AirPort Express + Airfoil = profit.
Yea, it makes way more sense that her middle school friends turn her into the person she is rather than the people who raised her.
I wonder where this kid learned her bullshit childish behaviors....
That will make my morning "urinate in the shower because I am too tired to aim at the toilet and my wife has not yet caught me doing it yet" routine at bit more awkward.
Holy hell, that is the saddest thing I have ever seen.