
Relax, it is an illustration.

So your the fifth floorer dropping stinky bombs in our rest room 4 to 6 times a day.

It is obviously a theft deterrent system, we whites are very inventive when it comes to keeping our shit, our shit.

Yep, your right.....I guess I am still seething about paying 6% for 25 minutes worth of open house and a shitty bottle champagne.

Still paying 12% to sell a house for another 20 years.....that is crazy. How has techmology not made realtors obsolete already?

Yet another reason to disband the EPA.

The new VW Scirocco diesel; from Berlin to Warsaw in one tank.

Constructive Criticism: Stop it with the emoticons. Respectable comments don't need visuals.

You should consider saving some more money, or taking out a student loan to go back to school to become an architect!

How does this crap get promoted, while the gold I am laying down never sees the light of day?

Where can I get those PMX 680's for 8 bucks????!

Does he also have a boycott on Gillette? That kid could is in desperate need of a shave.

It's time to put an end to this crazyness. As a newish father, it breaks my heart to see kids who are forced to grow up this fast.

agreed, those caps are fugly.

Sold, I'll get the scientists working on it now.

Reprocessing, plus what? You can only reprocess so many times, and will eventually have to deal with some waste.


Lets get those genes out of the pool asap.

This is just one of many additives Monster is testing to try and make their shit drinkable.

Not necessarily. A (small) chunk of that money might be booked as operating costs against the Defense Department's budget, but it is likely this will be considered a non-budgeted conflict, payed for by act of Congress. Which is why Congress is/was upset that they were insufficiently consulted before the military