
The only memorable moment, for me, was the Ferrari vs. Ford piece by James May. Everything else seemed forced, loud and obnoxious to the point that I just started skipping all the studio dialogue.

Just to add my voice to the chorus, I went back and watched some of season 2 and it was so damn good. Seeing these man-children put themselves into predicaments and bodge their way out as best they can is so much better than tightly choreographed “hi-jinks.” I understand the fear that leads them to do it this way,

I’m afraid my experience is much like yours - and everyone else’s. I don’t remember at what point I stopped watching, but like you, I did stop.

At this point, I think some of the smaller youtube outfits are much more interesting than TG. Even a certain someone with a carmax warranty who we won’t name. TG is just a pompous pageant, in which I’m learning nothing. I’d rather watch Torchinsky fall through the rotting wood frame of a hand-made Romanian car in

I could be wrong... But I don’t think th Model 3 will have falcon wing doors.

That’s my take as well. I personally don’t usually like the hot/cold air blowing right in my face. Some do. Sometimes I direct the far left vent as additional defrosting for the driver’s left window.

I’m pretty sure the Teslas maintain the temp inside the car even when it’s off. It makes sense at home it’s likely plugged in anyway, and in a parking lot it’s probably more efficient to maintain a slow steady cooling than blasting it while entering the vehicle.

Just to fuck with you and show that they read your articles, I would love to see a rotating Jason Torchinsky on the dashboard tomorrow.

And here’s the thing... cars are, IMO, really the wrong tool for moving around cities. They’re inefficient uses of space, dangerous, polluting, and they mean that people are insulated even more from their own surroundings. And, in cities that are structured to make car ownership a necessity, it hurts the poor to have

I’m sorry but why is this news?

I’ve enjoyed every episode of the new show. I don’t know why you all are trying to bitch SO HARD that it’s not what you want. I bet you all are a lot of fun at parties.

Throw away the ICE and put the electric drivetrain from the Bolt in it. I might be interested then...

She looked fucking badass.

Do you have a 2005 XC90, or are you just so insane you pulled that out of thin air as a reference point?

I’m predicting a sale of 5 Model 3's for every 1 Bolt.

Took over 2 years for the i3 and i8 to arrive so...

It is a option you don’t have to pay for it and even if you did you don’t have to use it. Also audi has had it share of safety problems too

I like BMW products, in general, but they’ve lost their fucking minds if they think I’m going to even give a moment’s consideration to canceling my Model 3 deposit for a 3 series.

Model 3 gives me: HOV lane access. Much much much much reduced maintenance. Autopilot. Free charging at work.

A 3 series gives me… a

So basically BMW just created/paid for the first Model 3 ads. Brilliant!

Why? Because Chevy already offers this: