
"Want something new? How about Mario!"

Oooh I love these, srsly.

This is why idiots like you will exist. Labeling an opinion of the mass as a minority. Many industry goers including the core target market, gamers, and hardcore gamers were disappointed. This is a business failure of epic proportions. Much like the surface tablet, this will fail. The reason why it will fail; because

TransAm 2000 from Redline.

People really thought that the mask style originated in COD?

Now playing

"Smokin" John Rhodes used to describe this technique as being able to get on the power long before the rear-wheel drive guys. He also said that he had "Flatted a number of dipswitches in my time," as he jammed his right shoulder into the b-pillar to stay behind the wheel.


When you meet a new person, you judge them by their appearance, speech, etc. Shaking hands is another little thing that tells you something about a person. It's not the most important thing, but it adds to the picture.

The vita does everything besides have good games. Its like giving someone a nice ass sports car but without gas.

You use pixl art! Others use! Don't look at us!

I don't see where it says it has anything to do with power. It seems more likely that it has to do with them not wanting to spend the effort to optimize it for a system where they're unlikely to see much of a return on their investment.

People need to calm down, what others doe with their money is their own business, that includes people supporting a kickstarter for someone who had parent who could have just paid for what was kickstarted.